
Overall, the navigator rank represents a position of great skill and expertise on a pirate ship, and is crucial for the success of any long-distance voyage. A successful navigator who is able to navigate the ship safely and efficiently through challenging waters can help to ensure the long-term success of the pirate crew.


In terms of authority, the navigator would have significant influence within the crew, as their decisions could have a major impact on the safety and success of the ship. They would work closely with the captain and other officers to ensure that the ship reached its destination safely and efficiently.


The navigator would report directly to the pirate captain and would be responsible for providing regular updates on the ship's course and position. They would also be responsible for making any necessary adjustments to the ship's course based on changing weather conditions or other factors.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The navigator would typically wear an outfit similar to the other officers on the ship, but might also carry tools or instruments related to their job. They would be respected and trusted by the crew members, as they had the power to steer the ship safely through treacherous waters.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
Form of Address
Equates to
In naval tradition, the navigator is a high-ranking officer on a pirate ship who is responsible for plotting the ship's course and ensuring that it stays on track. They use a variety of tools and techniques to determine the ship's position and course, including maps, compasses, and celestial navigation.
Reports directly to