County of Sorrows End

County of Sorrows End

The County of Sorrows End is in the southern county bordering the mountains that separate the Swamp of Sorrows and the Blasted Lands within the Duchy of Dalhurst. Ruled by Count Jerard DeSirrus, this region is most notably known for its trade hub of Porthcrawl.  


  Porthcrawl is the capital of the County of Sorrows End. Ruled by Count Jerard DeSirrus, the port city quickly took advantage of the deep waters off the coast of the land providing a much needed large scale trade hub for imports and exports out of the Duchy of Dalhurst. A recent partnership with The Blackwater Corporation has been seen as a boom for the county and duchy as a whole. With a number of large docks as well as off port flats for anchoring, this location is set to grow with future partnerships with other trade and merchant organizations.


The city of Midglen is settled in the middle of the southern border of the Duchy of Dalhurst. With limited natural resources in the area, the barony has struggled to find a foothold for some time. The land as split between some drylands, but mostly wetlands making large scale farming limited. However, some farming is done, mostly to offset the cost of importing feed for the new mule breeding program brought to the area. Mules being hardy creatures do well in the swampy lands along with most other terrain types making them a perfect resource both within the dutchy and export trade. This barony is also responsible for maintaining and providing the manpower to support DeSirrus Tower.


The village Mudcrest is in the most southeastern point of the Swamp of Sorrows and the County of Sorrows End. The smallest barony within the Duchy, it has been prone to flooding due to its almost sea level elevation. Far removed from almost any other settlement in the region, help was slow to come when the floods arrived or attacks from the nearby bog beasts or murlocs. With the main road being built from Porthcrawl, the little village now stands a chance under the right leadership. In the meantime, Mudcrest resources include fishing, clam harvesting, and more recently, under the guidance of Count DeSirrus, the production of salt taking advantage of the ocean water and low elevation.
Wetland / Swamp
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Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank

Articles under County of Sorrows End