Duchy of Dalhurst

The Duchy of Dalhurst is located in the southeastern province of the Swamp of Sorrows north of The Blasted Lands. A commonly tranquil Duchy from the standpoint of them operating rather self-sufficient for decades with no formal leadership after the loss mysterious disappearance of the once prominent Lynford Family. This did not mean they were not rip with danger, but they have been able to deal with these issues on their own with little help from the Crown.   With a desire to see the region do more than just survive, but flourish, the lands were granted to a new Duchess with the hopes of growth for the region as well as the Kingdom with future goals of being a line of defense for potential threats coming from the Blasted Lands. Having served the kingdom through the campaigns into Outland and Northrend and be willing to take on challenges often seemed to be avoided by others, these new lands were put under the strong leadership Lady Persefani DeSirrus.  

County of Pershore

The Ducal Capital, Dalhurst, is the administrative center and trade hub of the duchy. It is situated to the northeast corner of the duchy, with the Barony of Dalhurst relatively center to everything with all main roads leading in and out of. The county is under the control of Count Eric Deckland.  


The Barony of Dalhurst is the Ducal Capital of the Duchy of Dalhurst and under the leadership of Duke Ky Ericson.  


Myrefall is a port city capable of handling a couple of large vessels at a time.  


Focaster is located in the northeastern part of the County of Pershore and is responsible for Pershore Tower.  

County of Sorrows End

The County of Sorrows End in the southern county bordering the mountains that separate the Swamp of Sorrows and the Blasted Lands within the Duchy of Dalhurst. Ruled by Count Jerard DeSirrus, this region is most notably known for its large trade hub of Porthcrawl.  


Porthcrawl is a large port city with several large docks as well as off port flats for anchoring.  


Mudcrest is in the most southeastern point of the Swamp of Sorrows and the County of Sorrows End.  


Midglen is settled in the middle of the southern border of the Duchy of Dalhurst.  

County of Lydford

The County of Lynford, named for the Lynford family that mysteriously disappeared in the region, is the western county of the Duchy of Dalhurst which has its western border open to the rest of the Swamp of Sorrow’s province. This makes the county has seen more dangers due to the constant desire of the horde to try and move into the area and lack of physical barriers like the mountains to the south of the duchy.  


Shadowbay is surrounded with an unknown history. Once the prominent homestead of the Lydford family, for which the county was named for, the area was discovered in ruins with no residents.  


Mutemount is in the northeastern part of the County of Lydford.  

Independent Baronies


The Barony of Crowwatch is located in general isolation from the rest of the duchy surrounded by water and was ruled by Baron Thomas Silverlaine until his death on May 4th, 633 K.C.  


The Barony of Cromerth the largest barony in the southern area of the Duchy of Dalhurst was ruled by Baroness Sandra Vane until her death on August 1, 633 K.C.  


The Barony of Flatcrest is aptly named for some of the driest flatlands in all of the Swamp of Sorrows.  


The Barony of Woodhurst is a growing area that was plainly named for the wood harvest.

Articles under Duchy of Dalhurst