Barony of Cromerth

The Barony of Cromerth is located in the southwest of Duchy of Dalhurst within the Swamp of Sorrows, it is was overseen by Lady Sandra Vane until her deal. It is now back under Duchess Persefani DeSirrus until a new Lord is named.


The Barony of Cromerth barony is known for its location along the mountains separating the Swamp of Sorrows and the Blasted Lands. Deep Mines litter the walls of the mountains to gather precious and non-precious metals; Gold, Mithril, Truesilver, Iron, Silver, and Thorium. Forging facilities are used to make ingots of each of these metals. Iron stays within the region to be fashioned into weapons but more notably the production of common goods like nails, brackets, and handles. Precious metals are shipped up to Dalhurst.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank