Ferendel Dhaevnor

Ferendel Dhaevnor is a legendary figure in the history of the Free Seas Widely regarded as the first pirate king, he is credited with creating the concept of the Free Seas and establishing The Table, a powerful council that oversees the region and ensures its continued independence.   Ferendel Dhaevnor was born on Dreyla, a cluster of islands south of Pandaria that is shrouded in mystery and inhabited by dark elves. He grew up among the shadowy and treacherous streets of the island's capital city, learning to fend for himself and developing a cunning and ruthless nature that would serve him well in his later exploits.   Ferendel Dhaevnor first made a name for himself as a pirate, using his natural abilities and his mastery of shadow magic to outmaneuver his opponents and acquire great wealth and power. He soon became known as the Pirate King, a title that he would hold for many years.   Despite his fearsome reputation, Ferendel Dhaevnor is also known for his honor and sense of justice. He believed in the concept of the Free Seas, a region where men and women could be free from the tyranny of kings and empires, and he worked tirelessly to ensure that this vision became a reality.   Ferendel Dhaevnor is also an accomplished assassin, particularly when it comes to using shadow magic. He is rumored to have trained in the Shadow Realm, mastering its dark powers and using them to great effect in his many battles and exploits.   Ferendel Dhaevnor is the father of Persefani Hightower, his daughter and heir. Persefani has inherited her father's cunning and skill, and is known to be a formidable force in her own right. She is currently in charge of The Table and is responsible for overseeing the affairs of the Free Seas.   Despite his many accomplishments, Ferendel Dhaevnor remains a mysterious figure, with many rumors and legends surrounding his life and exploits. Some say that he has lived for centuries, and that he continues to watch over the Free Seas from his stronghold on Dreyla. Others claim that he is a dark and malevolent figure, using his powers to manipulate and control the region from the shadows.   Regardless of the truth of these rumors, Ferendel Dhaevnor remains an important figure in the history of the Free Seas, a legendary pirate king and assassin whose legacy continues to shape the region to this day.  


Stephanie Hightower


Towards Ferendel Dhaevnor


Ferendel Dhaevnor


Towards Stephanie Hightower


Founded Settlements
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