Stephanie Hightower

Stephanie Hightower

Stephanie Hightower is a former commander in the military of Stormwind, one of the major human kingdoms. She is known for her skill as a strategist and her unwavering commitment to defending her homeland against all threats.   Stephanie rose through the ranks of the Stormwind military quickly, thanks to her intelligence, determination, and tactical brilliance. She led many successful campaigns against the orcs and other threats to Stormwind, earning the respect and admiration of her fellow soldiers.   However, after the orc invasion of Stormwind, Stephanie was separated from her daughter Persefani, whom she believed had died in the chaos. Devastated by the loss, Stephanie spent years searching for any trace of her daughter, eventually settling in Gilneas, where she met and fell in love with a Gilnean man.   Stephanie and her new partner started a family together and built a new life in Gilneas. However, Stephanie never lost her determination to find her daughter, and continued to search for any information about her whereabouts.   Years later, Stephanie finally reunited with Persefani as an adult. While she was never able to return to her position in the Stormwind military, Stephanie remained a strong and influential figure in the world of Azeroth, using her strategic mind and her determination to help her family and the people of her homeland.   Overall, Stephanie Hightower is a respected and admired figure in the Warcraft universe, known for her skill as a commander, her unwavering commitment to her family and her homeland, and her determination in the face of adversity.    


Stephanie Hightower


Towards Ferendel Dhaevnor


Ferendel Dhaevnor


Towards Stephanie Hightower


Isaac Vandrin


Towards Stephanie Hightower

Stephanie Hightower


Towards Isaac Vandrin

Isaac Vandrin (spouse)