Storm King Clan

Current Status

The Storm King Clan was killed or absorbed. At this point, we do not know by whom.   


The Storm Peaks region of Northrend was home to the powerful and enigmatic Storm King Clan, one of the original twelve clans that made up the Wyrmskull Pirates. The Storm King Clan was known for their deep knowledge and understanding of ancient titan artifacts, which they used to significant effect in their piracy operations. Their power and influence had grown to the point where they were almost a match for the other clans combined.   However, in recent times, the Storm King and his clan were defeated in a massive battle against the other Wyrmskull clans. The exact circumstances of their defeat remain shrouded in mystery, but it is believed that their over-reliance on the titan artifacts they possessed led to their downfall. It is rumored that the other clans had become uneasy with the Storm King Clan's growing power and had banded together to defeat them before they became too much of a threat.   In the aftermath of the battle, the Storm King Clan was either wiped out completely or absorbed into one of the other clans. The current status of the clan and its artifacts remain unknown, but many speculate that they are still out there somewhere, waiting to be rediscovered by another group of ambitious and powerful pirates.
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Parent Organization