
Zul'Drak is a region located in the northern area of Northrend in Azeroth. It is a land of ancient troll ruins, dense jungles, and frozen wastes. The zone is home to a variety of troll tribes, as well as undead scourge forces that have invaded the region.   The trolls of Zul'Drak are primarily made up of the Drakkari tribe, known for their practices of voodoo magic and blood sacrifices. The Drakkari trolls have long been in conflict with the scourge forces that now occupy their land, and adventurers are often called upon to aid in their struggles.   One of the notable locations within Zul'Drak is the Argent Stand, a fortress built by the Argent Crusade as a base of operations in the region. The Argent Crusade is an organization of warriors dedicated to fighting against the scourge, and they have a strong presence in Zul'Drak.   Other notable locations within Zul'Drak include the Drak'Sotra Fields, a large area where the Drakkari trolls engage in battles and blood rituals, and the Ampitheater of Anguish, a gladiatorial arena where adventurers can test their mettle against powerful foes.   Zul'Drak is also home to a variety of dangerous wildlife, including massive trolls, rhinos, and snakes. The harsh climate and treacherous terrain make travel through Zul'Drak a dangerous prospect for the unprepared.
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Included Organizations