
Northrend is the icy continent located in the far north of Azeroth, known for its harsh environment and frozen tundras. The coasts of Northrend are home to many pirate crews who prey on ships passing through the region. The cold, treacherous waters and unpredictable weather make it a difficult place to navigate, but for those who are willing to brave the dangers, there is great potential for plunder and profit.   The Wyrmskull Pirates were one of the largest and most notorious pirate crews in Northrend, with each of their twelve clans controlling different parts of the coast. However, their power was eventually broken by the Blackwater Company and the other pirate lords.   Other pirate crews in Northrend include the Bloodsail Buccaneers, who are known for their red sails and ruthless tactics, and the Icecrown Raiders, who operate in the frozen wastes of the continent.   The coasts of Northrend are also home to many other dangers, including sea monsters and hostile wildlife. It is said that the waters around Northrend are haunted by the ghosts of ships lost to the icy depths, and some even claim that ancient sea gods still hold sway over the region.