Bloom Beasts

Bloom Beasts are a diverse and dangerous array of creatures that embody the chaotic and corrupting nature of the Bloom. Their presence signifies areas of extreme hazard and poses significant challenges to those who venture into Bloom-infested territories. Understanding their abilities and behaviors is crucial for any adventurers or researchers attempting to navigate or combat the Bloom's spread in the world of Largitas.  

Types of Bloom Beasts

1. Bloom Brute:
: Massive, hulking creatures known for their incredible strength and durability. They often serve as guardians of Bloom-infested areas.
: Immense physical strength, vine manipulation, regeneration.

2. Bloom Stalker:
Description: Agile and stealthy predators that blend seamlessly with their surroundings. They hunt using ambush tactics.
Abilities: Camouflage, enhanced senses, rapid movement, toxic spines or thorns.   3. Bloom Drake:
Description: Draconic creatures infused with the Bloom, capable of flight and devastating attacks.
Abilities: Flight, breath attacks (spores, fire, acid), regenerative scales.   4. Bloom Shambler:
Description: Slow-moving but relentless creatures, often formed from the corpses of the dead. They are used as shock troops in Bloom-infested areas.
Abilities: High resilience, spore release, necrotic touch.   5. Bloom Spawner:
Description: Creatures that can create and control smaller Bloom entities, spreading the infection further.
Abilities: Spawning smaller Bloom creatures, rapid plant growth, area control.

Basic Information


Bloom Beasts typically exhibit a combination of their original features and plant-like elements. Common traits include bark-like skin, thorny appendages, vines, flowers, and fungal growths. Their eyes often glow with an eerie, unnatural light, and their bodies are often covered in vibrant, bioluminescent plants.  


Bloom Beasts possess a range of abilities derived from both their original forms and the plant life that now infuses them. Common abilities include:   Regeneration: Many Bloom Beasts can rapidly heal wounds by drawing nutrients from the environment.   Plant Manipulation: They can control and animate plant life, using vines, roots, and other flora to ensnare, attack, or defend.   Spore Release: Some Bloom Beasts can release clouds of toxic or hallucinogenic spores, affecting the minds and bodies of nearby creatures.   Environmental Adaptation: They thrive in Bloom-infested areas, often gaining additional strength and resilience from the environment.

Ecology and Habitats

Bloom Infestation: Bloom Beasts play a crucial role in maintaining and expanding the Bloom. Their presence accelerates the growth and aggression of the surrounding plant life, making Bloom-infested areas increasingly dangerous over time.   Environmental Effects: The areas dominated by Bloom Beasts are marked by rapid, unchecked plant growth, often resulting in dense, jungle-like environments filled with hazardous flora. These regions are hazardous to most other forms of life, creating isolated ecosystems where only the most adapted creatures can survive.


Driven by a blend of primal instincts and the Bloom's corrupting influence, Bloom Beasts are often aggressive and territorial. They exhibit little to no fear and are fiercely protective of Bloom-infested areas. Some retain a twisted semblance of their original intelligence, making them cunning and unpredictable adversaries.   Interaction with Other Creatures: While Bloom Beasts are typically hostile to non-Bloom creatures, they exhibit a form of symbiotic relationship with other Bloom-infected entities. They rarely attack each other and often work in concert to defend their territories.
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Bloom Beasts

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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