Bloom Stalker

Type: Bloom Beast
Size: Medium to Large
Environment: Dense, Bloom-infested forests and jungles
Behavior: Stealthy, predatory, and highly territorial   The Bloom Stalker is a deadly and cunning predator, perfectly adapted to the Bloom-infested environments of Largitas. With its stealth, agility, and plant-based abilities, it represents a significant threat to anyone who ventures into its territory. Understanding its behavior and weaknesses is crucial for surviving encounters with this fearsome creature.

Basic Information


The Bloom Stalker is an eerie and agile creature, characterized by a blend of animalistic and plant-like features. It stands around 7 to 8 feet tall, with a lithe and muscular build covered in a mix of fur and vibrant plant growth. Its eyes glow with a haunting bioluminescence, and its body is adorned with various thorns, leaves, and vines that help it blend seamlessly into its surroundings. The creature’s limbs are long and sinewy, ending in sharp, claw-like appendages capable of slicing through flesh and foliage alike.  

Abilities and Traits

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Stealth and Camouflage:

Natural Camouflage: The Bloom Stalker can blend into its environment almost perfectly, using its plant-like features to hide among trees, bushes, and other vegetation. This makes it exceptionally difficult to detect until it is ready to strike.
Silent Movement: The creature moves with an uncanny silence, allowing it to approach its prey without alerting them. Its footsteps are muffled by the undergrowth, and it can slip through dense foliage with ease.  

Predatory Skills:

Enhanced Senses: The Bloom Stalker has heightened senses of smell, hearing, and sight, making it a formidable hunter. It can track prey over long distances and detect even the slightest movements in its territory.
Quick Reflexes: Its agility and speed are unmatched in the Bloom-infested regions, enabling it to launch swift and deadly attacks before its prey has a chance to react.  

Plant Manipulation:

Vine Control: The Bloom Stalker can animate vines and roots in its immediate vicinity, using them to entangle and immobilize its prey. These vines can also be used to create traps and barriers, making escape difficult.
Thorn Projection: The creature can shoot razor-sharp thorns from its body, which can pierce armor and cause significant damage. These thorns often carry toxins or spores that can weaken or disorient its victims.  


Venomous Claws: The Bloom Stalker’s claws are coated in a potent toxin that can paralyze or poison its prey. The venom acts quickly, making it difficult for those affected to fight back or flee.
Spore Release: In dire situations, the Bloom Stalker can release a cloud of hallucinogenic or poisonous spores, creating a disorienting environment that further tips the scales in its favor.

Encounters and Tactics

Combat Tactics:

Ambush and Surprise: Bloom Stalkers prefer to ambush their prey, using their camouflage and silent movement to get as close as possible before striking. They target isolated individuals or stragglers, minimizing the risk of a prolonged confrontation.
Hit-and-Run: If a fight becomes too challenging, the Bloom Stalker will retreat into the undergrowth, using its knowledge of the terrain to evade pursuit. It will then circle back to strike again when the opportunity arises.
Control and Immobilize: The creature uses its vine control ability to entangle and immobilize its prey, making it easier to deliver fatal blows with its venomous claws.  


Fire and Light: Like many Bloom Beasts, the Bloom Stalker is vulnerable to fire, which can damage its plant-like components and prevent regeneration. Bright light can also disrupt its camouflage, making it easier to spot.
Disruption of Environment: Destroying or damaging the dense plant life in its territory can weaken the Bloom Stalker, reducing its ability to hide and control the battlefield.

Biological Cycle

Infestation Origin: Bloom Stalkers are typically created when predatory animals, such as large cats or wolves, succumb to the Bloom infection. The transformation process enhances their natural hunting abilities, making them even more dangerous.
Bloom Spread: As they move through their territory, Bloom Stalkers inadvertently spread the Bloom, causing plant life to grow more aggressively and creating even denser undergrowth. This further enhances their hunting grounds and makes it more challenging for intruders to navigate the area.


Territorial Nature:

Lone Hunter: Bloom Stalkers are solitary creatures, fiercely defending their hunting grounds from intruders. They are known to patrol their territory regularly and will aggressively attack any creature that ventures too close.
Ambush Predator: The Bloom Stalker relies on surprise and stealth to hunt, often lying in wait for hours or even days until the perfect moment to strike. It prefers to attack from hidden vantage points, using its camouflage and silent movement to approach unnoticed.  

Interaction with Other Creatures:

Solitary Existence: Bloom Stalkers are highly territorial and will not tolerate the presence of other predators, including other Bloom Beasts, within their domain. However, they do not typically attack other Bloom-infected creatures unless provoked.
Symbiotic Relationships: In some cases, Bloom Stalkers have been observed to share their territory with smaller Bloom creatures, which act as scouts or additional threats to potential intruders. These relationships are purely pragmatic, based on mutual benefit rather than social bonds.
Bloom Stalker Wolf Illustration by Appy Pie Design
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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