Brawler's Challenge

Quest Giver: 

Alistair, the innkeeper of The Black Horse Inn and Tavern


Entry Fee: Each participant must pay a small entry fee (5 gold pieces) to join the challenge. Preparation: Players are encouraged to talk to locals and gather information about their potential opponents. This could include their fighting styles, strengths, and weaknesses.  

The Challenge:

The Brawler's Challenge consists of three rounds, each increasing in difficulty. Each round features a different opponent with unique fighting styles and tactics.

Plot points/Scenes

Round One: The Local Tough

Opponent: Brann, a burly dockworker known for his brute strength.
Tactics: Brann relies on raw power, using heavy punches and grapples to overwhelm his opponents.
Objective: Defeat Brann in unarmed combat. Players can use their agility and speed to avoid his powerful strikes and wear him down.  

Round Two: The Agile Fighter

Opponent: Lyra, a nimble acrobat who uses quick strikes and evasive maneuvers.
Tactics: Lyra focuses on speed and precision, aiming to disorient her opponents with fast attacks and acrobatic flips.
Objective: Outlast Lyra's flurry of attacks and find openings to land decisive blows. Players may need to use their perception and timing to counter her swift movements.  

Round Three: The Seasoned Veteran

Opponent: Garrek, a retired soldier with years of combat experience.
Tactics: Garrek employs a balanced approach, using a mix of defensive techniques and calculated strikes. He also uses psychological tactics to unsettle his opponents.
Objective: Outsmart and outfight Garrek by anticipating his moves and countering his strategies. Players might need to use their wit and resilience to overcome his experience.  

Special Challenges:

To add variety, Alistair might introduce special challenges between rounds:
Blindfolded Round: Both fighters are blindfolded, relying on their other senses to fight.
Tag Team: Players must team up to face a pair of coordinated opponents.
Weapon Round: Wooden training weapons are introduced, changing the dynamics of the fight.



As the players enter The Black Horse Inn and Tavern, they notice a boisterous crowd gathered around a makeshift fighting ring in the center of the tavern. Alistair, the burly innkeeper, spots them and approaches with a grin. He explains that the town holds regular brawls to let off steam and settle disputes. He invites the players to participate, promising rewards and respect for those who can prove their mettle.



Respect: The players gain the respect of the locals, making future interactions in Veneral's Crossing easier. They might receive discounts at local shops or be more likely to get help from townsfolk.
Prize Money: Alistair awards the winners a purse of 100 gold pieces.
Trophy: A small trophy or medal commemorating their victory, which can be displayed proudly or sold for a small amount.
Experience: 50 Experience per round won, up to 150 Experience.

Special Rules:


Non-combatants are able to help their fighting companion in a variety of ways:
Cheering: Performance Check. A Success gives the fighter +1 circumstance bonus to their next attack roll, a Critical Success gives a +2.
Warning: Perception Check. A Success gives the fighter +1 circumstance bonus to their next saving throw, a Critical Success gives a +2.
Goading: Demoralize against Opponent. Works like a normal Demoralize check.
Interfere: Stealth Check. Casting a Spell, throwing an object, etc. A Failure results in the crowd booing, giving the fighter a -1 circumstance penalty to their next attack or saving throw. A Critical Failure sees the character performing the action dragged away from the ring by the crowd, preventing them from helping for the rest of the fight.   Action Limit: Only one action can be performed by a non-combatant at the start of each round, and the same action cannot be used twice in a row.
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Cover image: by Appy Pie


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