Stolen Relic

Quest Giver: 

Father Elric, the priest at the Cathedral of Woe

Plot points/Scenes


The players must investigate the theft, gathering clues and tracking down the culprits. This involves several steps:  

Examining the Crime Scene:

Cathedral Inspection: Players should thoroughly inspect the cathedral for signs of forced entry, clues left behind by the thief, and any disturbances that might indicate how the relic was stolen.
Witnesses: Speaking to the cathedral's acolytes, regular visitors, and anyone who might have been near the cathedral at the time of the theft can provide vital information. They might describe suspicious figures or unusual activities.  

Following Leads:

Marketplace Gossip: Players can visit the Central Market, Berna's Bakery, and other local businesses to gather gossip and information. Shopkeepers and customers might have noticed strange behavior or new faces in town.
Informants: Players might have contacts among the less savory elements of the town, such as beggars or petty thieves, who can provide information about the criminal underworld and any rumors of valuable items being fenced.  

Identifying Suspects:

Local Thieves: Players might identify local thieves who could be behind the theft. These individuals can be questioned or followed to uncover their involvement.
Rival Groups: Investigate whether the theft might be the work of a rival faction or an outside group interested in destabilizing the town.  


Once the players have gathered enough information, they can plan their approach to recover the relic. This could involve a mix of stealth, combat, and negotiation:  


Hideout: Discover the hideout of the thieves, which could be a hidden basement, an abandoned building, or a secret cave outside the town. Players can sneak in to retrieve the relic without alerting the thieves.
Spy and Recon: Use stealth and reconnaissance to gather information about the layout of the hideout, the number of guards, and the location of the relic.  


Bribery: Players might attempt to bribe lower-level members of the thieves to gain access to the relic or obtain crucial information.
Intimidation: Use intimidation tactics to force the thieves into surrendering the relic. This could involve capturing and interrogating one of their leaders.  


Ambush: Set up an ambush to take down the thieves when they least expect it. This could be during a transaction, while they are moving the relic, or during a change of guards.
Direct Assault: If negotiation and stealth fail, a direct assault on the thieves' hideout might be necessary. Players will need to fight their way through the guards and secure the relic.  


After recovering the relic, the players must ensure it is safely returned to the Cathedral of Woe.  

Returning the Relic:

Escort: Escort Father Elric or another trusted individual back to the cathedral with the relic to ensure its safe return.
Consecration: Participate in a consecration ceremony to restore the relic's protective powers and reassure the townspeople of its return.  

Bringing Thieves to Justice:

Capture: Capture the thieves responsible and turn them over to the local authorities for trial and punishment.
Testimony: Provide testimony or evidence to help convict the thieves, ensuring they cannot threaten the town again.



Father Elric, the respected priest of the Cathedral of Woe, approaches the players with a grave expression. He explains that a sacred relic, a blessed amulet of immense spiritual and historical significance, has been stolen from the cathedral. The relic is believed to possess protective powers for the town and its people. Without it, the town's spiritual morale is at risk, and the people are losing faith.



Successfully recovering the relic brings several rewards:   Monetary Reward:
Father Elric's Gratitude: Father Elric rewards the players with a purse of 200 gold pieces for their efforts.
Town’s Gratitude: The town's mayor might also reward the players with a further 300 gold pieces and a public commendation.   Items and Equipment:
Blessed Items: Father Elric might bless the players' weapons or armor, providing temporary bonuses or protection.
Holy Relic: Players might receive a lesser holy relic or charm as a token of gratitude, providing minor magical benefits.   Reputation:
Heroic Status: The players' heroic deeds enhance their reputation in Veneral's Crossing, leading to discounts at local shops, free lodging, and increased influence in town matters.
Religious Favor: The players gain favor with the local religious community, which might provide assistance or support in future quests.   Experience: 150 Experience for completing the Quest.
Plot type
Side Quest
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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