Smuggler's Den

Quest Giver: 

Lucien, a dockworker at Veneral's Crossing

Plot points/Scenes


The players need to gather information and track down the smugglers. This involves several steps:

Gathering Clues:

Talking to Locals: Players can interview other dockworkers, fishermen, and shopkeepers who might have noticed suspicious activities. They might learn about secret meetings, odd shipments, or mysterious newcomers.
Surveillance: Players can stake out the docks at night to observe any unusual activities. This could lead to discovering hidden compartments in crates or observing smugglers unloading contraband.
Bribery and Persuasion: Players might need to bribe or persuade less cooperative individuals to share information. This could include dockworkers who have been paid off by the smugglers.  

Identifying Key Players:

The Leader: Discovering the identity of the smuggling ring's leader is crucial. This person is likely well-connected and careful about revealing themselves. Players might find clues pointing to a seemingly respectable member of the community or a shadowy figure with a hidden past.
The Muscle: The smugglers have enforcers who protect their interests and intimidate anyone who gets too curious. Players will need to find out who these enforcers are and what leverage they can use to deal with them.  


Once the players have enough information, they can plan their confrontation. This involves several possible scenarios:  


Undercover: Players might go undercover, posing as new recruits or buyers interested in the smuggled goods. This allows them to gather more intel from within the operation.
Stealth: Sneaking into the smugglers' hideout can provide the players with valuable evidence and the element of surprise. They need to avoid detection and possibly disable traps or alarms.  

Direct Assault:

Combat: If the players prefer a more direct approach, they can confront the smugglers head-on. This will likely involve a series of combat encounters with the smugglers' guards and enforcers.
Ambush: Setting up an ambush when the smugglers least expect it can give the players an advantage. They can attack during a smuggling operation or while the smugglers are off-guard.  


After dealing with the smugglers, the players need to ensure the operation is completely shut down and the town is safe from future smuggling activities.  

Evidence Collection:

Gathering Proof: Collecting evidence of the smuggling activities is crucial for bringing the smugglers to justice. This could include ledgers, maps, and contraband goods.
Interrogation: Interrogating captured smugglers can reveal additional information about the operation and any higher-ups involved.  

Bringing to Justice:

Turning Over Evidence: Players can turn over the collected evidence to the local authorities, ensuring the smugglers are arrested and prosecuted.
Public Trial: A public trial can serve as a warning to others and help restore trust in the town's security. Players might be asked to testify or provide protection during the trial.



While unloading goods at the docks, Lucien notices that some crates are being moved in secretive ways and suspects something illicit is going on. He approaches the players, explaining his concerns about a smuggling operation that seems to be getting bolder and more organized. He asks the players to investigate and put an end to it.



Successfully shutting down the smuggling ring brings several rewards:   Monetary Reward:
Lucien's Gratitude: Lucien rewards the players with a purse of 200 gold pieces for their efforts.
Town’s Gratitude: The town's mayor might also reward the players with a further 300 gold pieces and a public commendation.   Items and Equipment:
Confiscated Goods: Players might claim some of the confiscated contraband as their own, which could include rare items, magical artifacts, or valuable trade goods.   Reputation:
Heroic Status: The players' heroic deeds enhance their reputation in Veneral's Crossing, leading to discounts at local shops, free lodging, and increased influence in town matters.   Experience: 150 Experience for completing the Quest.
Plot type
Side Quest
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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