The Ruhmschwert Blades

The Ruhmschwert Blades are a renowned military mercenary company funded and operated by the prestigious Von Ruhmschwert Clan. This organization is dedicated to training orphans and abandoned children as monster hunters, with the primary goal of protecting the City Ships and the remaining human population from the threats of Bloom Beasts and other monstrous creatures. Currently, the company is under the control of the Bloom Research and Scouting Corps as one of its military wings.  


The Blades face constant threats from the Bloom and its ever-evolving monsters. Additionally, the loss of the original Ruhmschwert family members has been a significant emotional and operational challenge for the company.
Maintaining morale and ensuring the continuous training and well-being of recruits is an ongoing effort, especially given the harsh realities of their world.  


Under Stärke von Ruhmschwert's leadership, the Blades continue to adapt and evolve, seeking new methods and technologies to combat the Bloom. They are exploring alliances with other City Ships and organizations to strengthen their position and resources.
The ultimate goal remains the same: to protect the people of Largitas and reclaim their world from the grip of the Bloom.



The company is led by a council of senior members, with the head of the Ruhmschwert family serving as the commander. The current head is Stärke von Ruhmschwert, the last surviving member of the original family.
The council makes strategic decisions, allocates resources, and oversees training and mission planning.  


The Blades are organized into squads, each led by a seasoned veteran known as a Blade Captain. These squads are the primary operational units, consisting of 5-10 members each.
Support staff, including medics, blacksmiths, alchemists, and scouts, are integral to the company, ensuring that squads are well-equipped and prepared for their missions.



The Blades primarily recruit orphans and children who have lost their families to the Bloom. These recruits are taken in and given a new purpose, becoming part of the Ruhmschwert family.  


Training is rigorous and multifaceted, encompassing physical conditioning, weapon mastery, survival skills, and monster lore. Recruits are also taught teamwork and strategy, crucial for facing the varied threats posed by the Bloom Beasts. Specialized training is provided based on individual strengths, such as ranged combat, close-quarters fighting, alchemy, and even rudimentary magic for those with the aptitude.  


Life in the Blades is disciplined but supportive. Recruits and members live in communal quarters, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and family. Older members mentor younger ones, creating a cycle of continuous learning and improvement.



The Ruhmschwert Blades were founded by the Ruhmschwert family, a lineage of monster hunters with a storied history of combating dangerous creatures. The company was established after the first Bloom, when the need for skilled defenders became critical.  

Early Years:

Initially, the company comprised the Ruhmschwert family members and a few trusted allies. Over time, the family began adopting orphans and children left destitute by the Bloom, training them in the arts of combat, survival, and monster hunting.  


As the reputation of the Ruhmschwert Blades grew, so did their numbers. The company expanded its operations to multiple City Ships, ensuring that each floating refuge had a contingent of well-trained monster hunters.  

Achievements and Reputation


The Ruhmschwert Blades have a long list of successful missions and notable victories, including the defeat of several Named Bloom Beasts, the rescue of entire settlements, and the protection of key City Ships during critical moments.  


The Blades are highly respected and regarded as elite monster hunters. Their emblem, an adaption of the Ruhmschwert clan crest, is a symbol of hope and protection for many in Largitas.
Despite their fearsome reputation, the Blades are also known for their compassion and dedication to the children they take in, providing them with a purpose and a family.

Strength in Unity, Victory in Honor.

Military, Mercenary Group
Alternative Names
The Glory Blades
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Appy Pie
Character flag image: Ruhmschwert Blades Crest by Appy Pie Design


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