The Ruhmschwert Branch Family

The Ruhmschwert branch family, also known as the "Ruhmschwert Auxiliaries," serves as an extended arm of the main Ruhmschwert family. They uphold the same values and traditions of monster hunting, focusing on auxiliary roles such as logistics, intelligence, and support. The branch family members are integral to the operations of the Ruhmschwert Blades, ensuring that the main force can operate efficiently and effectively.  


The branch family faces the constant challenge of keeping up with the demands of the Blades, especially as the Bloom continues to evolve and new threats emerge. Ensuring the well-being and morale of support staff, who often work in high-stress environments, is an ongoing concern.  


The branch family is exploring new technologies and methods to improve efficiency and effectiveness. They are investing in advanced logistics systems, intelligence-gathering techniques, and medical advancements. They aim to strengthen their network of allies and partners, forging new collaborations to enhance their capabilities and resources.



The branch family is led by a council of senior members, known as the "Auxiliary Council." The council works closely with the main family's leadership to align goals and strategies.
The current head of the branch family is Helga von Ruhmschwert, a seasoned logistician and strategist with a keen mind for detail and organization.  


The branch family is divided into several departments, each specializing in a specific area of support:
Logistics Department: Manages supply chains, inventory, and transportation.
Intelligence Department: Handles information gathering, analysis, and strategy development.
Medical Department: Provides medical care, psychological support, and wellness programs.
Administrative Department: Oversees record-keeping, finances, and legal affairs.  

Roles and Responsibilities


The branch family oversees the procurement, transportation, and distribution of supplies. They manage everything from weapons and armor to food and medical supplies, ensuring that the Blades are always well-equipped.
They also coordinate the maintenance and repair of equipment, working closely with blacksmiths and craftsmen.  


Branch family members gather and analyze information about Bloom Beasts, Bloom-affected areas, and other threats. They maintain a network of informants and scouts who provide crucial data for mission planning.
They are responsible for developing strategies and tactics based on the latest intelligence, advising the main family and Blade Captains on the best course of action.  


The branch family provides medical and emotional support to the Blades. They run field hospitals, offer psychological counseling, and ensure the overall well-being of all members.
They also handle administrative tasks, such as record-keeping, financial management, and legal matters, allowing the main family to focus on combat and training.



The branch family was formed during the early years of the Ruhmschwert Blades. As the main family grew in reputation and responsibility, it became clear that additional support was needed to manage the increasing demands of the organization. 
The branch family consists of distant relatives, adopted members, and close allies who have proven their loyalty and competence. They were brought together to handle essential but often overlooked aspects of monster hunting and protection.  


The branch family has played a crucial role in many successful operations, providing the necessary support and resources to ensure mission success.
Their efficient management of supplies and logistics has allowed the Blades to maintain a high level of readiness and effectiveness.  


The Ruhmschwert Auxiliaries are highly respected within the organization and among allies. Their dedication and behind-the-scenes work are recognized as vital to the Blades' overall success.
They are known for their professionalism, reliability, and unwavering commitment to the cause.

Support in Strength, Victory in Unity

Alternative Names
Ruhmschwert Auxiliaries
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Notable Members

Articles under The Ruhmschwert Branch Family

Cover image: by Appy Pie
Character flag image: Ruhmschwert Branch Family Crest by Appy Pie Design


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