
Brigid is the capital of Reole and serves as a hub for trade, industry, and politics. Brigid is a city of stark contrasts, with towering skyscrapers made of metal and stone and sprawling slums populated by the poor and downtrodden. The city's architecture is a mix of Victorian and Steampunk styles, with heavy use of industrial machinery, steam power, and clockwork technology. The city is also home to a variety of different cultures and races, including a large population of whale hunters who play a critical role in the city's economy.   The most notable feature of Brigid is its reliance on whale oil as a source of energy. The substance is used to power everything from street lamps to the city's massive machinery, and its importance is reflected in the city's architecture, with whale motifs and decorations adorning many buildings. However, the city's reliance on whale oil has also led to widespread environmental destruction, with many whale species being hunted to near extinction.


Brigid, being one of the most industrialized cities on any known isola, possesses numerous advanced technologies from the mundane to the sophisticated. Electric lighting and heaters are common in almost every home, while for security purposes, walls of light and arc pylons are utilized to control movement. The most infamous of these technologies is the tallboy, a heavily armored soldier armed with explosive arrows, walking on motorized stilts. Almost all of these technologies are powered by whale oil.   Due to Brigid's port environment, boats, from small boats to massive, hulking whaling trawlers, form the bulk of transportation in and out of Brigid. On the ground, railway tracks provide transport for the City Watch and smaller rail cars are used by the aristocracy as a means of personal transport. Elevated rail lines provide fast and easy transport for people, cargo and even corpses.


The city is divided into several districts, each with its own unique character and challenges. The wealthy live in the opulent Upper City, while the poor and working-class reside in the impoverished Lower City. The Dockyard, where many of the city's ships are built and repaired, is a hub of industry and activity.  
  • Estate District: A wealthy, upper class district housing the estates of Brigid's aristocracy, such as the Lockbrides' and the Gallohams'. The Clocktower is situated there.
  • Legal District: Home to several major law offices in Brigid.
  • Grennes Financial District: Brigid's financial heart, including the main establishment of the Reinhardt Trade Company and the Grennes Chamber of Commerce.
  • Civil Services District: An area home to various offices and courts dedicated to maintaining Brigid's bureaucracy and logistics. It was established when Brigid was officially named capital of Reole.
  • Brigid Water District: Less of a "district" in the traditional sense, and more of a collection of various authorities and responsibilities dedicated to maintaining Brigid's canals, sewers, sluices, drains, and cisterns. Their offices are located in a narrow, tall brownstone building in the Civil Services District but their employees, either technicians, bureaucrats, or hired laborers, can be found everywhere in the city.
  • Godrick Square: Location of the Office of the High Hammer. It serves as headquarters for the Hammers of Biaz in Brigid.
  • Tower District: The district around Brigid Tower, with businesses such as the Lockbride Industries office and the Brigid Courier, and various docks.
  • Academy District: The site of the Academy of Arcane Philosophy as well as the the city's Port Authority and the embassies of other The Sovereign Alliance nations.
  • Distillery District: A district named after the old Brigid Whiskey Distillery, and known for the rampant criminality in its slums.
  • Slaughterhouse Row: An industrial district of slaughterhouses nested in a bay of the river. It has some of the most modern whale slaughterhouses.
  • Drapers Ward: A major textile production area where children and unskilled laborers toil to produce cloth. Recently, protests for more food, potion rations, and better treatment were severely repressed by the City Watch.
  • Old Waterfront: An industrial district on the riverside, near Drapers Ward. It consists of several factories, including a small whale slaughterhouse.
  • Rust District: An industrial district on the riverside where the Porter Ironworks are located.
  • Wyrmwood District: The oldest and perhaps first established part of Brigid. This small but densely built area is the city's occult market. It consists of Wyrmwood Way, which acts as its main thoroughfare, and smaller, twisted streets branching out from it.
  • Searoot District: A sprawling set of tunnels, originally built as part of the waterworks beneath the Wyrmwood District, that connect to the edge of the isola. Devoid of oxygen, the Searoot District is inhabited by a community of dust elves and merfolk.
  • Downmarket District: A fairly residential district for the lower class composed of four neighborhoods. At the center lies the Reinhardt & Ash Industries ruin.
  • Debris District: A slum neighboring the Downmarket District, nicknamed as such by a passing academic.
  • Brigid Harbor: The city's harbor spreads along each shore of the Kindor, with numerous docks boarding the city's riverside districts. It starts upriver and continues to the edge of the isola.

Guilds and Factions

Outside the general government of Brigid, numerous factions hold influence.   Crime Illegal activities within Brigid are primarily organized by five gangs that vie for control over the city's underbelly - each with their own specialty.
  • The Slow Horses - Information trade, political and military corruption, high-end theft, blackmail
  • The Devils - Drugs, smuggling, counterfeit goods
  • The Peligro - Hit men, general thuggery
  • The Whalers - Labor, protection racket, money laundering
  • The Blue Baracudas - Loan sharking, underground gambling and fighting, contracts

Points of interest

Monuments And Other Important Landmarks
  • Brigid Tower: Home and central seat of Reole's rulers.
  • Broken Hill Correctional Facility: Main prison in Reole holding Brigid's criminals.
  • The Jade Bird: An upscale bathhouse famous for theater and burlesque. It is Brigid's most famous brothel, and one of the best-known taverns in Reole.
  • Brigmoore Bridge: A large bridge spanning across the Kindor. It holds several warehouses, apartments and estates.
  • The Academy of Arcane Philosophy: Home to the intellectual elite of Brigid and the chief authority of science across Reole.
  • Clocktower: The Clocktower is one of Brigid's most famous landmarks, located on the northern border of the Estate District and towering the city.
  • Parliament: The seat of Reole's government, where its aristocracy along with representatives of The Sovereign Alliance nations' rulers gather to legislate regarding the rule of Reole and Vanahar itself.
  • Wyrmwood Way: A street where fringe alchemists, bone charm crafters and anyone dabbling into the occult and the superstitious gather, despite the occasional raids by Hammers. The surrounding area is referred to as Wyrmwood, and is part of Wyrmwood district.
  • Old Whaling Ship Hulks: Decommissioned whaling trawlers gathered downriver of the city. They were abandoned by their bankrupted company and were never broken down. They now serve as hideouts for illegal activities.
  • The Hound's Pit Tavern: An historic tavern in the Old Waterfront District. It also serves as the meeting place for the Hounds - a group of adventurers tasked with protecting Brigid from threats greater than the City Watch could handle. 


A wealthy traveler once said of Brigid, "Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave Brigid. No, Sir, when a man is tired of Brigid, he is tired of life; for there is in Brigid all that life can afford."


  • Brigid
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