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Benefist Monks


The Benefist Monks, also known simply as The Benefists, are a monastic order renowned for their dedication to healing, self-discipline, and equality. The Benefists believe in the inherent worth of all people, regardless of their status, race, or background, and aim to heal both the body and spirit of those they encounter. Their reputation as selfless healers and disciplined martial artists has made them respected and admired throughout the continent.

Philosophy and Beliefs

The guiding philosophy of the Benefist Monks is simple: 'all people should be treated equally'. This belief forms the foundation of their actions, with the monks pledging to heal and aid others without bias or discrimination. They believe that the act of healing transcends political, social, and racial divides, and their mission is to spread compassion wherever they are needed.   Their commitment to equality is also reflected in their appearance. Every monk of the Benefists wears a porcelain mask to hide their face, ensuring that no distinctions can be made between individuals based on their appearance. They also don long yellow robes, which symbolize the purity of their intentions and their unity as a collective.

Training and Practices

Benefist Monks undergo rigorous training in medicine and healing arts, learning various methods of treatment, ranging from traditional herbal medicine to advanced restorative magic. They are trained to treat a wide range of ailments and injuries, and many monks are skilled surgeons, physicians, and magical healers.   Alongside their healing arts, Benefist Monks also practice martial arts. This training serves multiple purposes: it disciplines the mind and body, fosters self-control, and provides the monks with the means to defend themselves and others when necessary. The martial styles they study emphasize defensive techniques, evasion, and incapacitation over direct violence, adhering to their principle of preserving life whenever possible.

Structure and Organization

The Benefist Monks have a decentralized organizational structure, with no overarching hierarchy governing the entire order. Instead, the order is divided into independent chapters, each of which operates autonomously. These chapters are typically located in cities, towns, or remote areas where healing services are most needed.   Each chapter is normally led by a chapter master, who is elected by the monks of that particular chapter. This democratic approach to leadership reflects the Benefist belief in equality, ensuring that no monk is elevated above others by birthright or external influence.

Role in Society

Benefist Monks are widely regarded as compassionate healers and protectors of the common people. They often operate in impoverished areas, offering their healing services free of charge to those who cannot afford medical care. Their neutrality in political and military matters has earned them respect from various kingdoms, empires, and factions, as they refuse to take sides in conflicts, focusing solely on their mission of healing.   While the Benefists are primarily known for their healing work, their martial abilities have also been called upon in times of crisis. Benefist Monks have been known to assist in protecting vulnerable communities from bandits or marauding forces, using their martial skills to protect the defenseless.

Notable Chapters and Monks

Among the most well-known chapters is the one located in the Jubal Plains , which became famous after one of its monks,Elizar, healed a group of dying Lizardmen , leading to the formation of Elizar's chosen , an elite fighting force. Elizar, along with the adventuring party Arcane Punch , became a legendary figure in the region, though his ultimate fate remains a mystery.   Other chapters of the Benefists have been instrumental in aiding during plagues, wars, and natural disasters, offering their healing and support to those in desperate need.
Religious, Monastic Order


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