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Celestial planes


The Celestial Planes encompass multiple planes of existence, each with its own unique characteristics and inhabitants. Despite their diversity, these planes share a common alignment with goodness and are often depicted as paradisiacal realms of light, peace, and order. They are considered the antithesis of the Lower Planes, which are associated with evil and chaos.

Notable Celestial Planes


The Plane of Radiance

The Plane of Radiance is a realm of unending light and brilliance. It is home to the Sheen , a race of celestial beings dedicated to spreading light and eradicating darkness. The landscape is often described as a series of shimmering cities and crystal-clear lakes, with the very air infused with a soft, golden glow. The Sheen, known for their dedication to the cause of good, inhabit this plane and maintain its radiant beauty.

The Silver Heavens

The Silver Heavens are a plane of structured beauty and divine order. It is ruled by the Archons, who maintain strict adherence to the laws of goodness. The architecture is marked by grandiose palaces and fortified cities, all constructed from gleaming silver and other precious materials. The inhabitants of the Silver Heavens are known for their unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness.

The Garden of Tranquility

The Garden of Tranquility is a serene and peaceful plane, dominated by lush forests, gentle streams, and tranquil meadows. This plane is inhabited by the Seraphs, celestials who embody peace and compassion. The Garden serves as a sanctuary for souls seeking solace and healing, and its beauty is said to be beyond mortal comprehension.


The Celestial Planes are populated by a variety of celestial beings, each dedicated to the principles of good and righteousness. These beings include:   - Angels: Messengers and warriors of the divine, angels serve various roles, from guardians to heralds.
- Archons: Lawful celestials who enforce the divine order and maintain cosmic balance.
- Empyreans: Majestic and powerful beings who embody purity and grace.
- Seraphs: Celestial healers and peacemakers, devoted to acts of compassion and mercy.
- Sheen : Inhabitants of the Plane of Radiance, known for their dedication to spreading light and combating darkness.

Connections to the Material Plane

Travel between the Celestial Planes and the Material Plane is uncommon. The Kang-Zao, an ancient and powerful race, developed the Planar gates to facilitate mass transit between planes, but these gates were severed at the end of the Empyrionic War and are no longer in use. As a result, direct interaction between the Celestial Planes and the Material Plane is rare and often requires powerful magic or divine intervention.  

Cultural Significance

The Celestial Planes hold immense cultural and religious significance for many inhabitants of the Material Plane. They are often viewed as the ultimate destination for virtuous souls and a source of divine inspiration. Temples and shrines dedicated to the celestials are common, and tales of their deeds and virtues are passed down through generations.
Dimensional plane


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