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Order of the Ivory Blades


  The Order of the Ivory Blades is a prestigious and powerful knightly order tasked with maintaining order and stability within the Concordian Empire . Their primary mission is to investigate and neutralize threats to the empire's internal security, ensuring that peace and lawfulness are upheld across all regions under Concordian rule. The Ivory Blades are the only military force authorized to operate within the empire's borders, as the legions are primarily engaged in the conquest of new territories.

Organization and Structure

The Order of the Ivory Blades is structured into several tiers of membership, each with specific roles and responsibilities

Lord Commander:

The Lord Commander is the highest-ranking officer in the order, overseeing all operations and ensuring the effectiveness of the Ivory Blades. The Lord Commander reports directly to the High Temple, maintaining a close relationship with the religious authority of Concordia.


These soldiers form the backbone of the order, acting as the main military force. They are highly trained and disciplined, capable of handling various threats and maintaining public order.


Inquisitors are the leaders of the order's investigative efforts. They are tasked with uncovering and addressing plots, conspiracies, and other threats to the stability of the empire. Inquisitors possess a combination of martial prowess and keen intellect, enabling them to effectively root out and neutralize dangers.


Chaplins are mages of various types who provide magical expertise to the order. Their knowledge and skills in arcane and divine magic are crucial in dealing with supernatural threats and enhancing the order's overall capabilities.

Duties and Responsibilities

The primary responsibilities of the Order of the Ivory Blades include:  


The order is tasked with investigating any threats to the empire, including insurrections, conspiracies, and other forms of dissent. Inquisitors lead these investigations, using their skills to uncover hidden dangers and bring perpetrators to justice.

Neutralization of Threats

Upon identifying threats, the Ivory Blades act decisively to neutralize them. This can involve direct military action, arrests, or other measures to ensure the safety and stability of the empire.

Maintenance of Order

The order is responsible for maintaining public order across Concordia. They are often called upon to quell riots, suppress rebellions, and manage other forms of civil unrest.  

Collaboration with the CDF

When operating in a specific area, it is common for the Order of the Ivory Blades to take command of local branches of the Concordian Defence Force (CDF). The CDF provides additional support and manpower, enabling the order to effectively manage larger threats and maintain control over wider regions. This collaboration ensures that both the CDF and the Ivory Blades work in tandem to uphold the laws and stability of the empire.

Legacy and Influence

The Order of the Ivory Blades is revered throughout Concordia for its unwavering dedication to the empire's security. Their presence is a symbol of the empire's commitment to law and order, and they are respected for their effectiveness in dealing with threats. However, their methods can sometimes be viewed as harsh, and their authority is unquestioned, leading to a mix of admiration and fear among the populace.
Military, Knightly Order


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