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Radet is a unique town located in the Jubal Plains, known for its floating architecture and dynamic configuration. Situated off the southern shore of Lake Temu, Radet is not a typical land-based settlement; instead, it is composed of hundreds of boats, rafts, and floating platforms that drift and rearrange themselves on the lake’s surface. This fluid and ever-changing nature makes Radet one of the most distinctive communities in the region, both in structure and culture.

Geography and Structure

Radet’s layout is constantly evolving due to the independent movement of its constituent vessels. These boats and rafts are often linked by wooden platforms and bridges, allowing residents to traverse the town without needing to board other people's homes. The town's layout changes frequently as boats move, trade places, or attach and detach from one another. This flexibility allows Radet to adapt to the needs of its inhabitants and the conditions of the lake.   Despite its floating nature, Radet is a hive of activity, with residents hitching rides on different vessels to reach their destinations. The town's unique structure requires a high level of cooperation and communication among its people, fostering a strong sense of community and interdependence.

Population and Culture

  Radet is the largest of the tribes in the Jubal Plains, more accurately described as a town rather than a village due to its size and complexity. The people of Radet are known for their skills in engineering, craftsmanship, and innovation. They are master artisans, artificers, and inventors, constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be created on their floating platforms. To compensate for their small stature, the people of Radet have developed numerous golems, which perform much of the manual labor required to maintain the town.   Radet's economy thrives on trade and innovation. The town's artisans produce many of the weapons and tools used by other tribes in the Jubal Plains, and their creations are highly sought after. Despite their pacifistic nature, the people of Radet play a crucial role in the defense of the Jubal Plains by supplying advanced weaponry and technology to other tribes. They are also the only tribe in the Jubal Plains that engages in trade with the Crystallo Federation , a relationship that has further bolstered their economic standing.

Religion and Beliefs

The people of Radet are not particularly religious, but as a seafaring community, they hold a certain reverence for the forces of nature. Throughout the town, shrines to The Infinite Gale and The Silent Ocean can be found, where residents pay their respects to these deities of the wind and sea. These shrines are simple and unassuming, reflecting the practical and down-to-earth nature of Radet's people.

Society and Governance

Radet is governed by a tribal structure, with the tribe's chief serving as the town's leader. For over two centuries, this position has been held by Granny Agogwe , a venerable figure who commands deep respect and admiration from the people of Radet. Despite her advanced age, Granny Agogwe is known for her sharp mind, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of her people.



Though there are no written records the tribes of the jubal plains can trace the orginal settlers back to 321aol. Radet was originally a fishing village on the lake shore

360-781ca Plains wars 1-4

Radet has taken part in every one of the plains wars to defend the Jubal Plains. Since the town does not offically train an army their role is one of intelagence and sabotarge

721ca Crystallo Expansion

Radet aided in the Five Tribes Alliance defence of the Jubal plains. Over time they have opened traid with the federation

867ca Town distroyed

The town was burnt during a suprise attack by the Concordian 6th legion. not long after the begining of the 5th Plain war


Granny Agogwe - tribe Cheaften and Mayor of Radet


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