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Plain wars


The Plain Wars were a series of conflicts and skirmishes that took place between the tribes of the Jubal Plains  and various invading forces, primarily from the Holy Empire of Concordia and the Queendom of Ilisha . These wars, spanning several centuries, were marked by the fierce resistance of the Jubal Plains tribes against external aggression and their strategic use of the plains' challenging terrain.

1st Plain War (360-363 CA)

The 1st Plain War began with a surprise incursion by Concordia's 2nd  and 3rd  Legions. The Concordian forces initially advanced unopposed, rapidly moving through the plains and reaching the Ilisha Pass. However, the tide turned with the formation of the Five Tribes Alliance. The newly appointed Plains Champion  led an uprising from the south, hitting the Concordian forces from behind. Simultaneously, reinforcements from Ilisha attacked from the north, trapping the invaders. The differing tactical approaches of legions resulted in the complete decimation of the Concordian forces, marking a significant victory for the Jubal Plains tribes.

2nd Plain War (532-535 CA)

The 2nd Plain War saw an incursion by Concordia's Concordian 6th legion , which employed a methodical strategy, capturing one objective at a time. Despite their initial success, the legion was ultimately forced to abandon the invasion due to the effective hit-and-run tactics employed by the tribes of Jaghatai Village  and the Great Nest . Utilizing the speed of their Jubal Hound cavalry and the extensive tunnel network beneath the plains, the tribes inflicted heavy losses on the invaders, demonstrating the power of guerrilla warfare in the challenging terrain of the Jubal Plains.

3rd Plain War (562-563 CA)

The 3rd Plain War was initiated by the Queendom of Ilisha , which launched an assault on the Great Nest  from the north. The conflict quickly devolved into a prolonged struggle as Ilisha's Wyvern Knights proved ineffective against the tribes' use of tunnel systems. The Concordian 4th Legion  attempted to capitalize on the ongoing conflict by entering the plains, but their plans were thwarted when a ceasefire was called, forcing them to withdraw without achieving their objectives.

4th Plain War (716 CA)

The 4th Plain War began with a brutal attack by Concordian 2nd legion  on the dwarven settlement of Old Town . The entire village was slaughtered overnight, a loss that galvanized the remaining tribes of the Jubal Plains. Enraged by the massacre, the tribes united in their resistance and quickly repelled the Concordian forces, marking a swift and decisive victory.

5th Plain War (867 CA)

The 5th Plain War was initiated by Concordian 6th legion , which launched a surprise attack on Jaghatai Village. However, the villagers managed to escape to the safety of Lake Temu. Concordia, through unknown means, disabled the foresight of Corvus Village , which had long been a critical advantage for the tribes. The 6th Legion advanced to Radet , successfully burning the town. The aftermath of this war remains shrouded in mystery, particularly regarding the fate of the adventuring party Arcane Punch , who were last seen heading into the tunnels beneath the plains during this time.
Conflict Type


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