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Mga Tao

The Mga Tao, or snake-people, are a collection of tribes largely centered around Iawa Ng Buhay, the large lake at the center of the continent. The most populous of the Children of the Moon, the Mga Tao tend to not live in large cities like the tabaxi Wiinik'obo do, instead preferring smaller dens scattered about the region. As a result, they are a much more fracture culture, with dozens of small tribes and family groups.  

Lunaris the Shape-Changer

The Mga Tao view Lunaris as the representative of the cycle of the moon. Throughout their long lives, the Mga Tao shed their skins periodically as they grow, becoming larger and wise with each shedding. As such, they strongly revere their eldest, some of whom can grow to a truly prodigious size. But their shedding is not without its dangerous, and Lunaris's Gift of Knowledge included details of medicine. As such, the Mga Tao worship her as the guide of change and growth.  

Tribe of the Mga Tao

The numerous dens of the Mga Tao are too many to name, but some of the largest and most influential are:
Fire Fangs   Half Suns   Blind Waters   Shadow Skins   Broken Crags
  The Mga Tao lay eggs, and as such do not have strong family ties aside from the clutch mother. Instead, the entire den is viewed as an extended family unit, with the eldest member acting as the leader but with all having a voice. This leads to a rather fractious and drama-filled approached to decision making, part of the reason the tribes are so scattered.



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