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The Bati Mountains

The massive mountains of the Bati Range are the great divider of the continent, separating the fertile lands of Titan plains from the vast desolation of the Sahra Desert. The mountain range stretches from the edges of the God's Teeth in the south, all the way to the northern reaches of Tiechos, with remarkably few passes allowing travel. Yet the mountains are still home to numerous groups, both civilized and wild.  

The Aavan

The tallest heights are the home to the Aavan birdfolk, whose natural flight allows them to reach those towering peaks. The Aavan mostly live in large flocks - extended family groups and tribes, But they are not without their own towns and cities. The most notable of these would be the City in Chains, the massive suspended ruin the Aavan have settled into their primary stronghold and capital. Wary of outsiders, most Aavan prefer the heights of their mountain homes, where soaring flight is easily achieved, but occasionally one may be seen in the flat plains below, their bright plumage standing out among the less colorful grounded folks.  

The Empire of Navarra

Much could be written about the Empire. Nestled into the western foothills of the Bati Mountains, the humans of Navarra have a long-standing feud with nearby Aavan. Lack of flight has prevented the humans from driving the Aavan out of the nearby peaks, but Aavan are equally unable to dislodge their far more populous neighbors. But numerous raids and expeditions have flared up over the years, and the animosity is deep-seated. But deep-seated animosity is sometimes the hallmark of interactions with the Navarrans. Famed engineers and artificers, they are also known to be deeply human-centric and xenophoic at the best of times. Recent laws passed by the new emperor have only exacerbated the issue, causing many non-human residents to flee the empire entirely.  

The Wild Lands

Not all the Bati mountains are truly considered "settled". Difficult to traverse, with often inhospitable terrain and weather, much of the foothills and heights have been left unexplored. Sudden magical snowfalls, landslides and storms are not uncommon. Small, independent villages and towns dot the landscape, eking out a living behind tall walls to guard against the large monsters that manifest. The occasional wizard or bandit will set up a retreat, far away from any oversight and consequences. And the predators of the mountains are some of the most feared in continent - massive wyverns the size of buildings, snow elementals and spirits of cold, massive stone giants and packs of wind wolves are just a few of the dangers one may encounter.
Locations of Interest