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The Diri

The human tribes of the jungle are the smallest group within the Children of the Moon. But they are still held in high respect and wary caution by the rest of the tribes. Although their sister tribes were blessed with tooth and claw, fang and venom to fight the dangers of the jungle, the human tribes were soft and weak. To counter this, the Diri are some of the strongest magic-users in the jungle.  

Lunaris the Wise

The Diri view Lunaris primarily as the giver of magic. Before her, they struggled to survive in the danger-filled jungle, but her gift of knowledge gave them a solid understanding of the basics of magic. Today, Lunaris is viewed as the patron saint of all who study the arcane.  


The Diri are primarily shape-shifters and druids of the highest order. Capable of amazing feats of magic when it comes to growing plants and turning into massive beasts. Their magic tradition is handed down from master to student, but each successive generation adds to Sihir Boku, the compilation of magic knowledge first started by Lunaris herself. As such, the tribe is increased.   The Diri are the southern-most of the tribes, and their villages are often found along the Sa Timog Ilog river. But they are not afraid to build homes deep in the jungle, and can be found in the wildest of places.   The Diri are primarily a family-based culture, with marriages starting quite early. The exception to Wali, the forest guardians who are expected to focus on their druidcraft to the exclusion of family distractions. The Wali also form the leadership of the tribes, with their council being elected exclusively from their numbers. But few decisions require the council, as most of the Diri prefer living simple lives, close to nature.

A Diri Wali Druid



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