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The tribes of Tabaxi known as the Wiinik'obo (the people) comprise a large portion of the Children of the moon. Skilled hunters and trackers, they largely keep to themselves.  

The Gift of Lunaris

The Wiinik'obo view Lunaris as the giver of Civilization: the one who first gave them laws and technology and magic. As such, the Wiinik'obo are a suprisingly civilized group, with details laws and governance. Wisdom and soundness of thought are highly prized, and even the lowest farmer is able to philosophize on the nature of reality or the rationale of laws.  


The Wiinik'obo live in a series of small cities, each centered around a steppe pyramid temple to Lunaris. Broadly, they can be divided into 3 sub-tribes:
  • The Kaajo, the most populous of the tribe dwell within the jungle. Theirs is the largest city, which shares the same name. The temple at Kaajo is home to the Gifts of Lunaris, a series of tablets and artifacts given by her hand almost a thousand years ago. They are guarded by the Jkanan, the prime warrior of the tribes, and maintained by the Sumo K'iino, the highest priest.
  • The Witso'bo, the men of the mountains, who guard the secret passes thru the Loma mountain range. The most war-like of the Wiinik'obo, they are constantly skirmishing with the Limuki on the other side of the passes.
  • The Ja'talen, who dwell along the river floodplain. Skilled fishers and travelers, they have the most contact with the Diri tribes of Humans to the south.
  The Wiinik'obo value family highly, and are prone to large litters of children.
Wiinik'obo Warrior
Wiinik'obo Priest