Department of Destruction Organization in The Bureau | World Anvil
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Department of Destruction (DoD)

The Department of Destruction (DoD) is a key department within His Bureau, responsible for orchestrating and executing destruction on a global scale. The DoD is known for its creative and horrific methods of destruction, utilizing both traditional and eldritch means to achieve maximum devastation. The department is highly organized and efficient, with a clear hierarchy and defined roles for each member.   At the top of the department is the Director of Destruction, a powerful and feared figure within His Bureau. Under the Director are various teams and units specializing in different forms of destruction, such as arson, explosives, and biological weapons. The DoD also has close ties to other departments within His Bureau, such as the Department of Silence and Terror, to ensure that their destruction is carried out with maximum efficiency and secrecy.   The DoD prides itself on its track record of successful destruction, with notable accomplishments including the sinking of Atlantis, the fall of the Roman Empire, and the Great Fire of London. Despite its focus on destruction, the DoD also values efficiency and strategic thinking, carefully planning and executing each of its destructive campaigns to achieve the desired level of chaos and fear.   Overall, the DoD is a key player within His Bureau, feared and respected by both its allies and enemies. Its members are highly trained and dedicated to the cause of destruction, always seeking new and innovative ways to bring chaos and devastation to the world.


The Department of Destruction is organized into various units, each with its own specialized focus and capabilities. At the top is the Director of Destruction, who oversees the entire department and sets its overall strategic direction. Below the Director are several sub-departments, each focused on a specific type of destruction. For example, the Sub-Department of Eldritch Destruction specializes in harnessing otherworldly forces to wreak havoc, while the Sub-Department of Tactical Destruction focuses on more precise, targeted acts of destruction. Within each sub-department are various teams and units, each with its own specific mandate and resources. Overall, the DoD is a highly hierarchical organization, with a clear chain of command and a focus on efficiency and results.


The culture of the Department of Destruction (DoD) is one of chaos and destruction. The department values performance and results above all else, with a focus on the amount, scale, and rate of destruction caused. Those who excel in this department are often the most ruthless and relentless, willing to go to great lengths to achieve their destructive goals. The atmosphere within the department is often frenetic and high-stress, as members compete to outdo one another and prove their worth. Despite this cutthroat environment, the DoD has a strong sense of camaraderie, as members are united in their love of destruction and their commitment to the department's goals.


The Department of Destruction (DoD) has been a part of The Bureau for as long as it has existed. In its earliest iterations, it was focused on causing chaos and destruction through more primitive means, such as setting fires, looting and pillaging, and inciting riots. As The Bureau evolved, so did the DoD. It began to focus on more sophisticated methods of destruction, such as developing and using advanced weapons, sabotaging infrastructure, and spreading diseases.

Everything can be Undone

Founding Date
Corporation, Hospitality
Alternative Names
DoD, Destruction
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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