Department of Silence and Terror Organization in The Bureau | World Anvil
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Department of Silence and Terror (DoST)

The face of the organization. The fear. The control.

The Department of Silence and Terror is an unhinged department. They truly know the darkest things of reality, not only that which terrifies humans but constructs and powerful entities as well. This is a department that every living creature is familiar with in some form.



Instill Fear or Instill Nothing

Founding Date
Corporation, News & Media
Alternative Names
DoST, Silence and Terror
Silos, Terros
Leader Title
Parent Organization


His Bureau heavily values the DoST. DoST respects the current direction of His Bureau.


DoC sees DoF as a tool. DoF finds their requests to be unecessary at times but has no major ill will.


DoST sees DoC as getting in the way of their own plans, occasionally reducing their successes (whether or not that's true).   DoC is completely neutral.


DoD is brutish and antagonistic fighting them for resources and Head count constantly

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