His Bureau Organization in The Bureau | World Anvil
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His Bureau

His goals. His dream. His plan. His Bureau.

His Bureau is the current iteration of The Bureau. An evolution of Lady Miriam's Bureau of Wrongfulgenics. Taking the ideas of modern organizations to the next level: He established an organization of structure, career growth, and proper mechanisms to enable long term goals. The external goals are far more aggressive as well, clearing establishing to world leaders the role His Bureau takes.


His Bureau has a number of Departments under them. Each department has an associated Director, and each Department is run as if it's an independent organization. They have autonomy in how they structure, once approved they operate mostly on their own. Aside from that there are cross-functional teams that allow for collaboration across departments, these teams are usually specialized around specific goals like: human outreach, recruitment, etc.   Those in His Bureau can either be Individual Contributors (IC) or Managers/Leads. Both roles can be external facing or internal facing. An external facing IC for example may be hunting humans to gather resources for the Department of Form. An External facing Manager may be the head of a cult in favor of Department of Silence and Terror.   Internal facing employees tend to help the structure and function of the organization. Such as an auditor ensuring spending across departments is not unreasonable for the Department of Finance.


His Bureau has a driven yet fair culture. Those who work hard get promoted, and those who fail are expired. As long as employees can establish their value they will be rewarded appropriately. As everyone knows, He is supreme, and no one but Him owns anything.

Public Agenda

As far as external groups are aware, His Bureau is an amicable supernatural organization that will not cause issues and intends to collaborate with the leaders of the world.


His Bureau has branches across the world, these are simply outposts or extension of the core departments which are run at the main Head Quarters. They can all be accessed via an interconnected subway system. His Bureau has 100,000 employees, and are continuing to grow with an upward trend of 10% growth YoY. The organization's wealth is unknown. There are no restrictions on assets needed for a justified job.


His Bureau is relatively young, but they have made a substantial amount of progress. Their influence over world events is comparable to previous iterations of The Bureau. Most of the current Bureau's history is obsecured by Him and the Directors to protect the conspiracy.

"Evil" is a Necessity

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Bureau, HB
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Species

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