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Anung Amun'Ra

Fast tempered and quick to violence, Anung Amun'Ra was an original member of the main adventuring party. He didn't last long as his mean spirited nature didn't mix well with the more morally righteous members of the group

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anung was a chosen of the Tiefling god, Morthos Kairon. He was supposed to be an example of how a person can grow and change under the right leadership. Sadly he was wrong. Anung was spiteful and cruel, inspiring no love nor loyalty. His demise came after he attacked a mentally unstable Spectator in The Cave of A Thousand Words. He had to be rescued from the creature by his allies and Morthos spoke with him, condemning his actions. Enraged that his god wouldnt take his side, Anung revoked his vows and broke his bond. At the same moment, Borghur Gro-Baruuk sunk an axe deep into his neck.

Failures & Embarrassments

Annoyed the god, Silvanus, to such an extent he has wiped from existence. Was given a chance for redemption that he ultimately squandered.


Heavy smoker
Circumstances of Death
Axed to death by Borghur Gro-Baruuk
Current Residence
The Cave of A Thousand Words
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Red


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