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Borghur Gro-Baruuk

Devotee of Torm Borghur Gro-Baruuk (a.k.a. Battle-Borg)

Borghur is a true Half-Orc of Der' Gerath - Born to an Orcish Mother and Human Father, not much has been shared in regards to his upbringing, save that he felt the need to move on.   Prone to bouts of rage at an early age, this naturally led him down the Barbarian's path, however over time he learned to control and use the rage as a tool - a pointed weapon against his enemies - rather than allow it to control him. This is not the only path he travels, however.   Much like his Der' Gerath kin, he is not known for his smarts, but has shown an aptitude for acts of subterfuge, planning and general street smarts, a reputation earned through the Der Gerath's supposed betrayal of the native races. This gave him his first contact with the well known The Underguild of The Capital Isle. Using these skills alongside his bulky physique seems initially strange to others, but has given Borghur some opportunities that would have been otherwise unattainable, and he has benefited greatly from this as a result.   Borghur's views on his companions have changed as time has gone on, much as their opinion of him has likely also changed. They have shared triumphs and failures together, they've saved each other's lives and tumbled in to pit falls on more occasions than he can even count now - so much so that he feels he can truly call these people his friends (even if some of those friendships carry a heavy rivalry).   In more recent times Borghur, who was never one to care much for the opinions of Gods, saw the example set by his friends' faith and trust in their Gods, and the clarity and peace of mind it gave them and decided to reach out for something similar. Not knowing much about the Gods and their workings, when he had a dream which was unclear as to whether this was a possible future, an event from the past, or just a nightmare conjured by his own imagination, he fought his way through to fight who he believes was Rayth Mallus, but unfortunately fell in battle. After falling, but before waking, he found his God -Torm, God of courage and self-sacrifice. This changed Borghur fundamentally, his mindset changed, but perhaps even greater, his whole approach to combat changed as he fully embraced this God and became a Zealot in his God's name.   Despite his past of bounty hunting and shadier dealings, he seems to have devoted himself more to the service of Torm after visiting him in his realm, where the confirmation that he is, although chosen by Torm, not actually a Champion of Torm.   Is surprisingly well versed in cheese eating etiquette.   During a particularly brutal encounter, Borghur died at the hands of a genetically enhanced creature, designed by the deranged Doctor Francis Steinman, however it was not to last as his companion, Carthus, brought him back before he arrived in Torm's Celestial realm. Using this second chance at life, and with Ladrian's assistance, he found revenge on Doctor Steinman before passing out.   After experienced death first-hand, Borghur's mentality has changed quite dramatically and he has become a much more reckless character, forsaking his previously very tactically and deliberately careful approach to situations in favour of a more direct technique, honing further his skill with weapons of all kinds.   Borghur's story is yet unfinished, not for the lack of others trying, but the truth of the matter is this... "Door is bad".

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bulky yet athletic, heavy but light on his feet, Borghur can surprise those who judge by looks only.

Body Features

It's no secret that Borghur is large and muscular, however he also has a large primal bear claw tattoo, which since finding Torm as his God, has somehow melded and changed the bear claw to become mixed with the symbol of Torm also. Also has a jagged, mean looking scar across the left side of his abdomen, earned after being gored by a Gorgon.

Facial Features

Typically sports a cocky snarl (in the attempt to give off a more intimidating visage). Has bushy grey mutton chops leading to a goatee.

Heroic. Virtuous. Insightful. Probably not ways to describe Borghur. Borghur is stubborn, difficult and pragmatic - But he likes to believe he's appreciated for it. Never underestimate the cunning of the Battle-Borg...

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Lawful Neutral
Amber Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
308 lb


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