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Bound By Fate

The party found themselves captured by a group of Hobgoblins who were holding them in the now abandoned Temple of Silvanus. The group were able to escape their captivity and after an encounter with an enchanted door, spoke with the god of wild nature himself, making a deal to cleanse his temple of the Goblinoids. Anung Amun'Ra decided to test the patience of Silvanus' and was swiftly removed from existence for his insolence.
After this slight hurdle, the group were able to overcome the leader of the Goblinoids and liberate the temple. The member of the group who had so recently been slain was given a second chance by his own deity, Morthos Kairon. After the dust had settled the group returned to the aspect of Silvanus and were thanked for their actions, though she was not best pleased to see the return of the one who had crossed her. The group then left the temple and made their way towards Oldwood in the search for a warm bed and future adventure.
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