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Death and Secrets

Having secured the notes of Captain Dnyah Morjin, the party needed a way of translating them. They heard a legend from The Helpful Stranger that there was a place called The Cave of A Thousand Words nearby that could answer any question, for a price. The party decided to investigate and with the strangers guidance, found the cave fairly easily. The cave was guarded by a mentally unstable spectator, a lesser beholder, who hovered before a great archway filled with curling green smoke. The spectator was convinced that whatever lay beyond the smokey gateway was an all powerful being who could rival the gods. The party were sceptical but moved forward with caution.
They discovered a room that seemed to be made of pure darkness, no walls, no floors, no doors. In this room of endless void was a being, calling itself Hermora. The agreed to translate the journal of the late pirate king in return for either a secret that no one knows or if the party agreed to kill the spectator outside. Barrisar agreed to give up his knowledge, believing that giving up something he has no recollection of would be simple. He was quick to learn the process of having memories extracted is not an easy one. The process left him shaken for many days but the being held his end of the bargain and translated the notes.

The notes revealed Morjin was hunting a relic known as The World Breaker Armour. He had kept a detailed log that described all the pieces and their locations. The party thanked Hemora but were still somewhat afraid of its seemingly endless nature. Anung Amun'Ra was not satisfied. He decided he would take on the spectator himself to prove his strength. He was quickly paralysed and would have died, had his allies not intervened and killed the poor creature. The party dragged Anung out the cave and began scolding him for starting such an unnecessary fight. he ignored them but his god Morthos Kairon also joined, claiming Anung had learned nothing. In a flash of anger, Anung broke his vows and revoked his god. At the same moment, Borghur Gro-Baruuk sunk an axe into his neck, killing him. Though the party left the cave with extra knowledge, they also left one member less.



The Cave of A Thousand Words
Plot type
Side Quest


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