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Snake in the Grass

After leaving Casterfield the party began to walk the last part of their journey before reaching the capital city of Vaross. On the way, Borghur Gro-Baruuk decided to do something her never does, pray. Feeling his encounter with Blightfang was a close shave between life and death, Borghur decided to see if anyone was listening. His prayers were somewhat answered when he received a strange and cryptic dream.
  In his dream he stood on the wall of a great city bound by snow. Approaching the walls were a hoard of ever changing shapes. One moment they seemed demonic and the next they seemed to be undead. At the back of this morphing army stood another strange and unrecognisable shape. It seemed to switch between an enormous towering figure to a more armoured humanoid one. On the wall next to Borghur was a man he didn't recognise, who told him that this was to be the last stand. He handed Borghur a set of small glowing spheres, telling him that if crushed, they would explode in a mass of arcane power. Without another word this stranger roared a fierce battle-cry and entered the fray. With little guidance, Borghur began to make his way through a large, snow covered courtyard and towards the battlefield. Whilst moving towards the battle, Borghur saw aspects of his allies being torn apart around him. He watched as Mushu was overpowered by a swarm of enemies beside Barrisar who arced lightning onto the encroaching swarm. Carthus flew overhead and used the last of his strength to heal members of the weakened party.
  Borghur eventually pushed his way to the back of the battlefield and arrived just in time to watch the morphing figure strike down Ladrian. In a rage Borghur flung himself at the figure, but was no match for their skill and was almost killed by one swift blow. However, before he fell, Borghur crushed the spheres he was given which engulphed him and the figure in a ball of blue flame. When Borghur next opened his eyes, he was met by a towering figure who congratulated his bravery. He explained that the vision he saw was either a vision of the past, the future or maybe even Borghurs deepest fears brought to life. This new looming figure introduced themselves as Torm, the God of courage and self sacrifice. Torm was impressed that Borghur had stood up to the dragon Blightfang and lived. Torm offered Borghur a place amongst his chosen, as well as the chance to learn the ways of divine rage. He gave Borghur a coin marked with the holy symbol of Torm should he choose to take that path and when Borghur awoke for real, he was clutching the coin he had been given in his dream.
  Back on the road, the party encountered a strange group of people next to a wagon that seemed to be stuck in a ditch. Suspecting an ambush, Borghur called out in Thieves Cant hoping to end a fight before it started. To Borghur's surprise, someone did understand him, but not the person he thought. Dropping out of a tree above them, the apparent leader of the caravan appeared. He introduced himself as Varius Morten and explained they were moving alcohol from Vaross to Brewside. Learning that Borghur was a member of The Underguild, Morten asked that the party not mention that they saw him. Though this made the party suspicious, they decided they didn't want a fight and let the caraven go. However, Mushu's curiosity had been aroused and he decided he wanted answers. Riding Monty stealthily into the back of the wagon, Mushu discovered that the barrels Morten had claimed were full of alcohol were in fact, hollow. He also noticed a strange insignia branded onto the barrels, a badger clutching an apple. Not waning to risk discovery Mushu left the wagon and joined the rest of the party. Unsure of what this all meant, the group continued along the path and eventually made it to the capital, Vaross.
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