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Vaross is the capital city of the Isle. It replaced the Old Capital of Heimgate after it was left in ruins from The Dark War. This new city is a massive metropolis which is home to thousands. There is mass trade, culture and magic within, an adventures dream. The City is split into several Districts;   Protectors Enclave is where The Varosian Council is located, as well as embassies for foreign powers and guild halls for major factions. It is also where many of the rich have luxurious homes and is set in the very heart of the city.   The Traders District is where almost all the markets are located. there are different areas within the Traders District making it the second largest, second only to the Homesteads.   The Homesteads are where most residents of the city reside. It is a well-kept area with clean streets and beautiful houses. Buying a good home in the capital can sometimes cost thousands of gold depending on how close to Protectors Enclave you are.   The Warrens are the slums of the city. It is a place of crime and poverty with minimal infrastructure or protection. The watch tends to steer clear of the Warrens if they can help it making it the perfect place for thieves and other criminals to hide. This area of the city is build upon an area of subterranean ruins known as 'the Underburg'.


There is a real mix of people within the Capital. Though mainly made up of the more common races, i.e Humans, Elves, Dwarves etc, it is not uncommon to see rarer races such as Dragonborn and Gnomes wandering the streets. Some races have even grouped together to form communities within the city, such as the Tabaxi who have formed their own market square within the Traders district. Even though there is typically a lot of wealth within the city there are still areas that are in extreme poverty. this is typically isolated to the district known as 'The Warrens,' where all those not rich enough to live properly in the city but to poor to leave can be found.


The City has its own government that answers to the High King but in all other regards works independently. It is made up of a group known as The Varosian Council, individuals who are chosen to represent a certain field, i.e Master of Coin of coin or Master of Spies. There are six Masters of Vaross and one Grand Master, an elected official who is in charge of the inner-workings of the city and appoints the members of the council to their roles.


The City is surrounded by a thick stone wall with watchtowers at regular intervals. The city has its own special guard, the City Watch, that keeps the peace and mans the walls. They also have stored equipment in case of siege but hasn't been used since The Convergance other than practice for the watch.

Industry & Trade

The best merchants, smiths, mages all flock to Vaross in order to make their fortune. If you want something it is likely you can find it in the Capital. All merchants must pay a tax to the government but other than that, and some trade regulations on certain dangerous goods, the trade is fairly lenient.

Guilds and Factions

Almost every major guild within the isle has a building in the capital. In fact, Tymora's Square in Protectors Enclave is dedicated to faction buildings and embassies.

The numerous criminal gangs of the city have put their differences aside to form an agreement. This collective of groups is known as The Right Kind of People.


The capital was built on a large area of flatland's next to a river. The city has evolved in a way that allows it to utilise the water from the river into water mills and for fresh drinking water.


  • Map of Vaross
Alternative Name(s)
The Capital
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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