
The Colossi are massive humanoid entities who appear and wreak havoc whenever Touched / Pierced are left alive and unconcealed.  


  It is unknown how the Colossi detect the touched, or why they are driven to find them. Their detection abilities seem limited, as it often takes years or decades after someone is touched by the Filament for the Colossi to find them. However, once the entities have the 'scent' of a touched individual, they will appear and decimate entire cities or worlds in order to find them, and will follow them from place to place until they are concealed or eliminated.   The goals of the Colossi are unknown. Most who are aware of them believe they are controlled by some unknown masters who send them, like massive bloodhounds, to eliminate the touched. In some cases, Colossi attacks on settlements are supported by local groups or armies, although it is not known whether these armies serve the same masters, or simply take advantage of the chaos in order to invade.   While the result of a Colossi attack is inevitably destructive and deadly, no touched (alive or dead) has ever been located after they were the target of a successful attached. As such, it is not known whether the Colossi somehow annihilate these individuals, or whether they are spirited away by some means into the hands of the Colossi's masters.  


  • The Filament Protection League is dedicated to protecting the citizens of the Crystal Spheres from the Colossi and their unknown masters. In order to do so, they attempt to locate and conceal or eliminate touched individuals such that the Colossi cannot detect them.

Known Encounters

A list of recent Colossi encounters:
  • On 20 Jundall 657, Colossi attacked the city of Haffa, on Nusif. They were supported by an organized assault by tribal Firenewts warriors, who invaded the city during the Colossi attack.