Filament Protection League

The goal of the Filament Protection League (FPL) is to detect, collect, hide or - if needed - eliminate individuals who have been affected by a cosmic phenomenon known as the Filament. Protected individuals are known as the touched . While the goal of the League is to ensure that touched individuals do not fall into the wrong hands in general, they are particularly focused on preventing attacks from Colossi, gigantic entities who seek out fragments of the Filament and destroy anything in their path - including entire worlds - in order to access them.  


The FPL has several locations in the Cascade, including:
  • A field office on the Spelljammer, on the 6th floor of the Guild Tower.
  • ...


The FPL is made up of four units:
  • The Company is primarily responsible for leadership, administration, and enlistment. Its symbol is that of the FPL: The profiles of two faces, staring at one another.
  • The Seekers are the members of the FPL with the skills and equipment to detected touched individuals. They are intentionally maintained as a separate unit from those with the skills and responsibility for actually dealing with the touched. Most seekers perform their work from spelljamming ships in orbit around worlds, as their tools work from a long distance, although in certain situations more close quarters work is required. The symbol of the seekers resembles the FPL, except that the faces' eyes are closed. This represents the magics used by the Seekers, which are typically mental or psychic in nature.
  • The Veil is the unit responsible for concealing individuals touched by the filament, as detected by the Seekers. Veil agents are typically assigned one or more specific individuals as targets, often traveling long distances under false identities to find and ultimately conceal them. Veil agents wear specialized magical bracers with fittings for enchanted gems that they use, along with advanced magics, to lock away portions of their targets' minds affected by the Filament. The symbol of the Seekers is the FPL's symbol, but with one of the two faces wearing a veil.
  • The Silencers are the security force of the FPL, as well as its last resort to deal with Touched individuals who refuse or evade concealment by the Veil. The symbol of the silencers is the FPL's symbol, except that one of the two faces has a hand over its mouth.


The FPL has three main goals with regard to touched individuals:  


FPL agents known as Seekers have access to spells and magic items that are able to detect touched individuals. The organization possesses both portable and ship-based versions of the magic items. The range of this magic is far smaller than that of the Colossi. The FPL patrols the planets of various Crystal Spheres, in order to detect the touched before the Colossi do.  


The FPL has developed magic that allows them to conceal touched individuals from detection by the Colossi. This magic is implemented by members of the FPL known as the Veil. Because Filament fragments are embedded in the minds of touched individuals, concealment magic focuses on blocking a specific area of the touched's mind in order to hide it. Generally, concealment results in some loss of memory for the touched individual as the portion of their mind impacted by the filament is no longer accessible (but still present). Experienced Veil agents work to minimize this memory loss.   FPL concealment magic is instilled into gem locks that create a barrier around the portion of the touched individual's mind that has been affected by the filament. This barrier provides a defense against detection of filament-touched by the Colossi and their masters, and presumably from detection by other origins as well. The mind barriers are permanent as long as their associated gem locks exist. A mind lock can be broken by destroying the lock itself or by disrupting the Veil member's attunement with the lock used before they have an opportunity to deposit into a vault. Mind lock gems are stored in secure, hidden vaults, whose locations are known only to certain senior members of the FPL.   In most cases, targets of a mind lock volunteer for the concealment procedure, either having been convinced that it is the best option to protect themselves and their society, or having been threatened with worse consequences should they not volunteer. Once veiled, touched individuals are almost always relocated, to avoid the risk of the Colossi having already detected them and arriving despite the filament being concealed. In the past, this was not the practice, but after several instances of attacks after veiling - either because the Colossi had already honed in on the individuals, or because the veiling was incomplete - it has become standard.   Generally the FPL will relocate individuals with their families to a new world - usually in a different crystal sphere - and allow them to move on with their lives. Occasionally, touched individuals who have been veiled and possess certain skillsets are invited to join the ranks of the FPL itself; recruitment in this manner allows the FPL to avoid sharing knowledge of the Filament and the Colossi more than absolutely necessary.  


Individuals who refuse or evade veiling are targeted for elimination by the Silencers. While the FPL makes every effort to preserve the lives of the Touched, it will take action to eliminate them if their refusal to be veiled risks the lives of their civilization due to attack by the Colossi.  


  • Waltom Eddyn is a member of the FPL, specifically a Veil agent. He has not been seen by or heard from in over three months, and it is unknown what happened to him after his last mission.
  • Master Kit Plipitt is the head of the FPL branch located on the The Spelljammer. He's an elderly tortle gentleman who is rather overweight and walks with a limp. Master Plipitt has dark green skin and a heavy shell that is pockmarked and scarred, and big jowls under his chin, like frills. He is a former Seeker, but was injured in the line of duty, and now works for the Company itself.
  • Isolys Gearfoot has been recruited by the FPL. She was one of a group of five individuals collected by Eddyn on his last mission, and was intended to be concealed on Haffa along with the other four. For some unknown reason, Eddyn instead left her behind at the Spelljammer office, continuing on to Haffa without her.
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