Touched / Pierced

Touched or pierced are terms used by the Filament Protection League and other groups to refer to individuals in whom the The Filament has embedded a fragment of itself.  

List of Touched

Known Touched individuals:
  • Abraxas
  • Berdryn Bedalsia Brewheart
  • Darius
  • Mardo
  • Isolys Gearfoot - Former companion to Waltom Eddyn, she has been veiled, and now works for the Filament Protection League.
  • Perenia Daywisp - Previously a junior navigator on the Pilgrim of Saila, she was rescued and brought to the The Spelljammer, where she was last seen in the company of Ophia Milkweed.
  • Clarrhel Paprax - An unknown Touched individual, thought by the FPL to be somewhere aboard the Spelljammer.
  • Ond - An unknown Touched individual, thought by the FPL to be somewhere aboard the Spelljammer.