Aspect of Anachronism

Base Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect have a secret but phenomenal power that allows them to bring forth phenomenon into reality that are unlikely to occur under normal circumstances. The less likely it is to occur, the easier it is to make happen with this power. The more likely it is to occur, the more likely it is to occur. While this power remains bound by the Laws of Natural Power and still requires tremendous amounts of energy to perform the various feats, this makes wielders of this power extremely powerful in every sense but one: In the presence of Majyk, they can be rendered all but useless against a power that breaks down the framework of reality from which their power derives. This makes them expert at sniffing out sources of majyk (unless it is extremely well hidden) but unable to effectively defend themselves against it without assistance.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Probability Sense (Destinua OOOO) - Wielders of this power, whenever they have gathered the energies of fate within them, have the ability to calculate the probabilities of any action they want to do ahead of time, and sense the adjustments in the increase/decrease in probability in real time. With a difficulty of 10-1 per point, they can apply this to natural phenomena. With a difficulty of 12-1, they can use this power to predict the actions of an opponent they direct their focus on (This increases by 1 vs majykal opponents). For predicting the complexities of solving a difficult problem, as well as fully analyzing a situation, they must roll against a difficulty of 13-1 per point.

Background Abilities

  • An awareness of the amount of energy needed to perform any intended action ahead of time (to prevent energy burnout)
  • An awareness of the shifting of probabilities through the presence of specific powers
  • The ability to reverse engineer the above to determine precisely what powers any person has as well as their capability.
  • Extremely potent calculation ability, especially as it relates to probability.

Celestial Cores

  • Manifest Phenomenon

    Manifest Phenomenon

    Manifest Phenomenon
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to manifest a phenomenon related or connected to a sphere they have control over. This phenomenon must have a less than 50% chance for it to occur naturally or occur wielded by the powers of an ally nearby (16 yards) or else the wielder must suffer a potential chance of failure starting at 50% and increasing as the likelihood further increases. The ability's difficulty reduces by 1 if the chance of it occurring naturally is below 75% The phenomenon manifested then becomes the core for an Aspectral Form of choice.
    Core Requirements
    Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence (OOOO), Element(s) of choice (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this Aspect have their fae shell take on the appearance of gold, regardless of what type of Fae Shell they possess. In addition, an aura of rose gold appears around them when they use their powers, with tiny flashes spiraling away from them on occasion

Node Locations

  in addition to the three main Fae node locations (Frontal Cortex, Back of Neck, Base of Tail), wielders of this power also possess two sub-nodes in the Parietal Lobe of the brain, enhancing their ability to calculate to incredible levels.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Elent form of this Aspect are known as Probablists. They focus on the full manifestation and structuring of elemental energies that are probable but unlikely. They are able to manifest and maintain these effects despite their improbable nature, allowing for them to do things like create a bonfire without all of the necessary fuel, or for lightning from a faraway storm to strike a specific spot nearby.   Additional Core: Structure Probable Phenomenon

Structure Probable Phenomenon

Structure Probable Phenomenon
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to be able to instantly manifest a structured phenomenon. If a base Phenomenon falls between a 25% and 75% chance of occurring, they can instantly manifest the phenomenon in a structured way that decreases the probability of its manifestation turns to below 50%. An example: Within a thunderstrike, they can turn a lightning strike at a specific spot (~30% likely) immediately manifest rare Ball lightning under their control (~80% unlikely), which in turn fuels an Aspectral Form of their choice.
Core Requirements
Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence (OOO), Element(s) of choice (OOOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Myst form of this Aspect are known as Balancists. They focus on the use of probability against the world's natural balance to either throw said balance into chaos or balance the chaos that exists. This allows them the unprecedented and extremely rare ability to single-handedly create or dispel natural disasters. However such power requires a large amount of energy to perform such a task, making it an unwieldy power in many ways, and requires a lot of training to focus the nature of the disasters they can control.   Additional Core: Make/Unmake Grand Imbalance

Make/Unmake Grand Imbalance

Make/Unmake Grand Imbalance
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create a grand elemental imbalance through the sudden twisting of fate. While this increases the difficulty of all abilities by a default of +2, the player adds +2 Dice to all damage dealt.
Core Requirements
Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence (OOOOO), Element(s) of choice (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Flou form of this Aspect are known as FlowFlexers. They wield the powers of destiny by twisting cause and effect at their whim, resulting in strange occurrences that have such loose to improbable correlation to the action that triggered them, that it is quite often seen as almost magical in the minds of much of the populous. As such, they generally couch their techniques within the realm of plausible deniability to save themselves the headache of explanation.   Additional Core: Dis-regulate Cause and Effect

Dis-Regulate Cause and Effect

Dis-Regulate Cause and Effect
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to tie a phenomenon generated with an action done, causing an effect that may be more than 50% likely to occur to be reduced in probability by tying it to an unrelated action. However, necessitating the effect through an action makes it possible for the effect to be disrupted through preventing the connected action.
Core Requirements
Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence (OOOO), Element(s) of choice (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Fatu form of this Aspect are known as Absurdists. Drawing upon the powers of destiny locks them into performing only the actions or abilities that have a near-impossible chance of occurring, making them chaos agents in the midst of battle. As such, they require a lot of training to filter through possibilities to arrive at the most appropriate manifestation for the situation and moment at hand.   Additional core: Formulate Grand Improbability

Formulate Grand Improbability

Formulate Grand Improbability
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create highly improbable or nearly impossible phenomenon through weaving multiple elements together in complex ways, increasing the complexity of all effects by 1 but allowing them to manifest phenomenon that have a less than 10% chance of occurring. These phenomena then can be reshaped into various Aspectral forms for use in battle.
Core Requirements
Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence (OOOOO), Element(s) of choice (OOOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2
Paragonic Origin Paragonic - Annomikr Xenovia-Eldest   Control Schema Faesmithea - House of Annomikr   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus   Sagecraft Focused - This Aspect requires knowledge and use of Glimpse, Sagecraft and Sagesight to gain basic control over their powers before they can begin to control the nuanced elements of power through Shaping.*/   Associated Elements   Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence (Proximus Element)


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