Aspect of Spectral Purification

Core Abilities

  Those who wield this Aspect have the ability to generate what is known as "Spectral Energy", a rare and esoteric combination of energy from the Anastoloci, or the Realm of Abeyance, and the Sioploci, or the Realm of Grey Flame. By combining these energies within their body and generating the combination, those with this power are able to create and produce a semi-transparent force known as Spectral energy, or Anastosio. This energy is known to disrupt the primordial forces within objects, and can therefore very selectively break down, damage, or effect specific targets according to the wielder's will, making it perfect for use in purification. Additionally constructs made from this energy can have various potent effects, such as hold enemies in place without damaging them, crumble objects in a barrage of pressure from this force, isolate other forces/materials without destroying them and other unique properties.  

Supportive Abilities

  • Immunity to the effects of Spectral energy
  • The ability to clearly see/sense spectral energy at all times (it is hard to notice)
  • Awareness of both realms as a conduit of them both.
  • The ability to see into either realm.

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this ability constantly breathe out light, wispy vapor that is hard to notice, when they speak. On cold days, this can easily be confused for the cold vapor that one breathes under normal circumstances.

Node Locations

  The Three Locations for all Fae (Front of Brain, Back of neck, Base of Tail) + an additional node in the voicebox (vestige of Drajjin connection)   (Note: The Forms for this ability are unnamed, as there is currently only one person who possesses this ability, the Primor himself)

Elent Form & Abilities

  Elent form wielders have the ability to shape Spectral energy into whatever they desire. They can also use these structures to store and transport materials while protecting them from harm, or use them as additional weapons in attacks.

Myst Form & Abilities

  Myst Form wielders have the ability to break down and transmute specifically targeted forms of energy, not by category but by specific energy type. This effect does not work with Flux or already formed mixtures of energy, nor the energy that exists within living beings.

Flou Form & Abilities

  Flou form wielders have the ability to concentrate Spectral energy, maintaining its larger effect while delivering it in a smaller package. Doing so takes time, and makes it difficult to prepare.

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Fatu form wielders have the capability of isolating and creating facsimiles of primordial structures using Spectral energy, giving the ability to mimic the abilities of others using Spectral energy as the source. This limits what they can do independently of what they can learn from another. using the Grey Flame
Paragonic Origin Paragonic - Gynzha Xian-Fei-Jun    Control Schema Multiplex en Simult  - Spectral Energy (A mix of Temporal energy and Spatial energy from the Realm of Abeyance )     Associated Nations/Peoples Faesmithea - Purifier Sect   Mastery Focus   Balanced - This Aspect requires a balanced training between basic Shaping and Sagecraft elements.


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