Gynzha Xian-Fei-Jun (Geen-jha Shi-an-Fey-Juun)

Bearer of the Glass Flame

Purifier Gynzha Xian Fei-Jun ( a.k.a. Gynn )

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Imposing physique with noticeable muscles (especially when unclothed)
  • Mesomorph
  • Flexible due to training with spear

Body Features

  • Twin Tails (sign of Fae heritage) scaly (due to Dragon heritage)
  • Horn - Drajjin heritage, glows when powers activate

Facial Features

  • Can grow a goatee (chooses to be clean-shaven)
  • Scar on right eye
  • Twin marks over bridge of nose (sign of Drajjin heritage), glows when powers activate
  • Purple eyes

Identifying Characteristics

  • Hair, eyes and horn are very notable from a distance as is the way he fixes his hair.
  • He normally covers the eye with the scar, so that is not as striking from a distance

Special abilities

Aspectral Power Summary

  As the first wielder of the Aspect of Spectral Purification, Gynzha has the ability to generate 'Anastosio', an esoteric combination of spatial and temporal energy from the twin realms of Grey Flame and Abeyance. He can use this power to great effect, as it has the ability to disrupt the nature and flow of primordial energy, but requires specific targeting to work, allowing him to be able to purify objects with great efficiency.  


  • Immunity to the effects of Spectral Energy
  • Spectral energy Generation


  Temporal Lobe Node
  • Spectral Energy manipulation
  • Spectral energy sensing/sight
  • Realm sight (into the realms of Abeyance and Grey Flame)
Back of Neck node
  • Fae Shell generation
  • Flight
  • Dual Realm Conduit.
Base of Tail node
  • Increased physical attributed, especially strength, resilience, dexterity

Primordial Form

  As the Paragon of this Aspect, Gynzha is a Primor, and as such has access to the full capabilities of this power. He has the ability to shape Spectral energy into whatever they desire, break apart and transmute specifically targeted energies, concentrate and shrink his spectral energy to great effect, and even store and imitate the abilities of others using Spectral energy.

Apparel & Accessories

Gynzha always wears simple clothes, usually in a traditional sense, when he is not on the job.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gynzha was born to the prominent Fei-Jun family in the heart of the Drajjin kingdom. As the last in a great line of Dragon-speakers, Gynzha was born into a family with the high honor of speaking for the great dragons, the beings who his village revered and sought to live in harmony with.   At least, until his twin tails gave him away as a cross between Fae and Drajjin.   The disruption this caused to their great family was profound. Accusations of infidelity were thrown about. Whether he, as the only son of the head of the family, would be even fit for the role was brought up numerous times. Yet, while this tarnished his mother's reputation irreparably, his father, though cold, was willing to give him a chance, despite his grandfather and great grandfather's protests. Gynzha's father trained him from youth in the art of the sacred dance, and the way of the relic-spear and sword. No father could remain cold to his son forever, and by the time he grew to the age of 12, he showed great affection to him. The rest of the family, with the exception of his elder sister, remained standoffish to him. However, upon his awakening, his Fae heritage reared its ugly head once more, as the temporal flames that he brought forth had the power to sear what they touched, rather than slowing them. Thus he began to train in secret, discovering his flames had great purifying properties. I his eagerness to demonstrate its usefulness before the dragons, he took his great flame to the offerings provided to them, but accidentally destroyed them, melting them away and leaving the impurities behind, and vice versa. The flames spread even to the symbols of peace between man and the dragons that had stood for over a thousand years. In a rage both man and beast sought the young boy's head, and it was only his father who stood in their way. For his sake, and his alone, they banished the child, stripping him of all but his name and casting him out of the village. The dragons etched a scar over his right eye, and his family broke his horn, as reminders of his rejection from both clans, and began to train his step-brother to take over his role as dragon-speaker.   As he left, almost-naked and alone in the wilderness, he came across a man who fed and sheltered him. It was soon that they both discovered, by great coincidence, they they were both Fae and Drajjin, and the man offered to take him along on his "journey to seek truth". Hesitantly at first, then with enthusiasm, Gynzha journeyed with the man, Anreyes, as they sought, and found the Faesmithean Kingdom, the Truthseekers, and the Reciters. They both joined them, becoming prominent members of Fae society and the Reciters of truth. But while the title of Purifier came with great notoriety and prestige, Gynzha longed to go out with those who spoke the truth. It was soon after that he received a vision.   A great black forest exploding from a towering building. A glowing tree aflame from its roots. Eyes staring back from a misty darkness. A skull turned upside-down. He knew this was a sign of what was to come, but he did not know what it meant. And so, in defiance of his adopted father's wishes, he sought out the meaning of his dream.


Gynzha has the equivalent of a high school education with specific trade learning in regards to ritual dance, as well as specific education in the art of material purification, Foci enhancement and the Sage arts. He is one of the youngest Sages among the Purifiers.


As the main Purifier for the moon world of Viridris, Gynzha has an important role in the creation of high quality materials for use in the forging of Fae items, weapons and artifacts. He is paid well for his job, but this make it difficult to leave Viridris for any reason, despite his great desire to do so, as he is constantly in demand.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Youngest to achieve Sagehood of the Purifier Sect of Faesmithea
  • Skilled practitioner of Tei-Guong (Martial arts combination of Tai Chiand Mai no Te) and Qui-Eng (Spear arts similar to Qiangshu martial arts

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Almost caused a conflict between his family, his village, and the Dragons they served and revered, because of his incompetence.
  • Still not entirely comfortable in his own skin due to his past failures, especially demonstrated by the scar on his face.
  • Is extremely cautious about using his powers due to their potentcy

Mental Trauma

All of the issues caused by his powers with his family and his familial abandonment make it difficult to trust people enough to be friends. As such, he approaches friendships with the expectation of abandonment.

Intellectual Characteristics

While not necessarily book-smart, Gynzha is a very intelligent and quick thinker, and tries to think of practical solutions to problems. He is well versed in critical thinking, and is willing to challenge anyone on their thoughts before accepting their perspective. As a result, he often gives the impression of being stubborn and argumentative.

Morality & Philosophy

Gynsha is a firm believer in the Lifebringer, and an adherent to the faith. in it, he has found forgiveness, a new way of life, and a role to play in society that makes use of his unique gifts. While he still struggles with guilt and pessimism, he does believe that things will get better, but he expects them to suck along the way.

Personality Characteristics


Gynzha seeks for people to understand the nature of the world and how everyone needs to band together to save it. He sees the Truthseekers as the most important group towards that end, and understands the cruelties and horrors of the Barinarius empire through witness accounts of refugees. He also has sympathy towards the resistance, though he remains somewhat wary of them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Gynzha is talented at anything to do with Aspectral power, materials and material purification, dancing, and martial arts. He also is a mean cook and excellent at managing himself and his money. He is unreasonably inept at most arts and crafts, choosing instead to make use of what has been made than to make it himself. This applies to making repairs as well.

Likes & Dislikes

Gynzha likes all animals, especially the Heraldic beasts, those beasts who could talk like the dragons he wished to serve so long ago. He also loves walking in nature and practicing his skills in natural environments.   Gynzha hates busy cities/metropolis areas, and he does not like doing chore-work.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gynzha is a quick thinker, a proficient fighter and has an amazing instinct that he relies on in many situations where he is out of his depth. He is willing to challenge anyone when it comes to their internal logic, and is willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. Having the ability to perform dances, teach Martial Aspectral arts and help purify materials is a major bonus.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gynzha is stubborn, especially when emotionally upset, and very hard to initially become friends with because of his standoffish nature. While he is confident in his skills, his concern about making mistakes holds him back sometimes from his true potential


Gynzha gets so busy/preoccupied at times that he can be unaware that he needs a bath. However, he does try to keep up his hygiene regularly.


Family Ties

Saea Jai-Fei-Jun - Older Sister Weixiao Xi-Fei-Jun - Younger Stepbrother   Jing'er Bao-Fei-Jun - Mother, Deceased Lai Shin-Fei-Jun - Father, Deceased   Baolai Yun-Fei-Jun - Grandfather

Social Aptitude

Gynzha is socially astute but finds it boring, and would rather be in nature with people than go to an indoor party. An outdoor party with a nice attitude would give him opportunity to slip away if the main events are not interesting enough for him (and they sometimes are). He walks and talks with an air of confidence, but sometimes boredom creeps in too noticeably, at which point he usually goes for some fresh air.


Gynzha is generally extremely polite, but get his gander up and he might actually spit fire at you, such is his temper. H rarely gets that heated in front of others, though.


Gynzha always defers to the terms 'sir' and 'miss' regardless of age, and occasionally mixes up the arrangement of his words, as he has only recently started speaking the trade language of Yngrish.

Wealth & Financial state

As the main Purifier for the City-State of Viridris, Gynzha is actually somewhat wealthy, though his excess wealth is generally given to those in need.

Aspect   Aspect of Spectral Purification    Aspectral Form   Primor
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Draconic Purifier
Year of Birth
1917 (23 years old)
Ji'hun, Drajjin
Current Residence
Citadel Viridris - Faesmithea City-State
Gynsha is straight, and very much attracted to the opposite sex, though his mental trauma and difficulty developing friendships makes his prospects very low.
Gynsha comes off as very traditionalist to his culture despite being rejected by it, keeping his hair long and in a traditional bun-and-hairstick style. While having his hair long is unusual to some others, he sticks by this.
Light purple
Long and sleek, dark green
Skin Tone
Lighter skin
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Drajjin
  • Faesmitti
  • Trade language of Yngrish


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