Aspect of Swallowed Nature

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Swallowed Nature have absorbed any phenomenon that they have encountered in nature around the time of their Awakening. They can recreate the phenomena surrounding the swallowed aspect of nature, and with advanced training can even parse elements of their power to wield in power. During the process of swallowing this phenomenon, the energies imbue and accentuate the animal features in the process, granting them secondary abilities tied to their powers.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Natural Sense (Celestial OOO): Wielders of this power gain a near-intuitive ability to discover any unusual disturbances in natural forces. This allows them to determine if a phenomenon has a natural or unnatural source, and greater points can determine how the phenomenon can be naturally disrupted and even pinpoint the exact number and sources of Aspectral or Majykal phenomena. To do this, players must roll their Celestial Sphere against a difficulty of 7-1 per point in natural sense. At max points this is only rolled to determine the accuracy of the sensing, as they automatically succeed at the base level (determining the inherent nature of a phenomenon). Lastly, they can roll this at a 12-1 per point in Natural Sense to make it difficult for those without this power to determine the source of a phenomenon.

Background Abilities

  • Sensitivity to ambient energy (Antlers of the Celestial Reindeer)
  • The ability to glide (retractable arm-wings of the Secretary Owls)
  • The ability to camouflage in woods (aura of the Snow Fox)
  • A constant awareness of and resistance to the phenomenon that has been imbued.

Celestial Cores

  • (Empty) Swallowed Nature

    Swallowed Nature

    Swallowed Nature
    This core represents the natural phenomenon swallowed by the wielder of this power as part of their awakening. Once filled with the elemental forces swallowed, this permanently imbues a part of their body with elemental power, enhancing their animalistic traits with this force and granting them additional gifts based on the swallowed element.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OO), Elements added once the swallowed nature is determined.
    Core Type
    Phenom Empty

Outer Manifestation

  This Aspect grants its wielder the properties of an Einfeld, including small antlers like the Celestial Reindeer, white fox tail and whiskers like that of a Snow Fox, and the wing-arms and talon-like hands (texture, not claw) similar to that of a Secretary Owl. These traits become heightened depending on which part of their body was suffused with the swallowed energy, which solidifies them among the Ingatans as Cervid, Vulpan, Strigithian, or Pax-Ingatan      

Node Locations

  As with many Animaphra, they have their main node at the base of their tail. They gain a sub-node after awakening in each wing if they absorbed their powers into their wings, one behind the bridge of the nose if the antlers absorbed the power, or one in each cheek on either side of the nose if the power was infused into their tail and whiskers.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent Form are known as Natralancers. Naturalancers are able to recreate the aspect of nature they swallowed and fire it out as a single lance or as multiple tiny lances outward in a direction they choose. This takes some time to do, but the variations and flexibility in use that result from this depend solely on the natural element absorbed. Common among Cervid (Deer Focused) Ingatans   Additional Cores:
  • Aura of Swallowed Nature

    Aura of Swallowed Nature

    Aura of Swallowed Nature
    This core represents the gathering of the swallowed nature one has formed around the upper part of the body. This creates a protective field that can be charged and directed at short range to protect the wielder as they gather energy around themselves.
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OO)
    Core Type
  • Project Natra Lance

    Project Natra-Lance

    Project Natra-Lance
    This core represents the releasing of energy related to one's swallowed nature as lances of energy. These lances can generate varying forms of attack on impact, and when not shaped into projection forms of attack (Projectile, Wave, etc) can bypass physical obstructions in their path to a designated location so long as the wielder can see the eventual location.
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type

Myst Form & Abilities

    Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Enshrouded. Enshrouded are able to project static copies of themselves from their own natural force, and cloud themselves with it to obscure their appearance. This allows them to both confuse and overwhelm their opponent with energy and physical attacks at alternating moments, but is difficult to maintain. Common among Vulpan (Fox Focused) Ingatans Additional Cores:  
  • Mantle of Swallowed Nature

    Mantle of Swallowed Nature

    Mantle of Swallowed Nature
    This core represents the ability to enshroud one's body with the recreated phenomenon of one's swallowed nature. This increases one's protection against physical attacks, as well as enhances one's movement and agility. By focusing before physical attacks, non-weapon-based attacks can be enhanced with one's swallowed nature, allowing them to be a conduit for wielding power further. With further training, this can also be enhanced to avoid attacks.
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OO)
    Core Type
  • Project Natra-Self

    Project Natra-Self

    Project Natra-Self
    This core represents the projection of one's swallowed natural phenomenon in the shape of one's own body. Not only does this projection become a conduit for ones own energies and forms, but it also can be used to displace ones own momentum, as the wielder of this power can use this power to re-direct their own momentum, more so if they have a Mantle shrouding their body
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type

Flou Form & Abilities

    Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Breezepathers. Breezepathers can gather and release the natural forces that they "Swallowed" from their hands and/or wings, shaping it into fantastic displays of power, or using it swiftly for minor forms of disruption. This flexibility gives them the greatest variety of uses, but limits their direct offensive uses. Common among the Strigithian (Owl Focused) Ingatans   Additional Cores:
  • Feathers of Swallowed Nature

    Feathers of Swallowed Nature

    Feathers of Swallowed Nature
    This core represents the energy of one's stored elemental nature that has been stored within ones feathers. This allows one to subtly imbue their surroundings with the elemental energies of their swallowed nature through movement. While this does takes time, the subtle nature of it means that enemies can remain unaware of the elemental infusion within the environment unless they are either looking for it or are particularly sensitive to it. Otherwise the resulting energies that react within this field of influence can come like the onslaught of a sudden storm, with quick and devastating consequences.
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type
  • Project Natra-Path

    Project Natra-Path

    Project Natra-Path
    This core represents the creation and manipulation of elemental paths or flows based on the swallowed nature within one's own being. These paths can be woven and interwoven to create gigantic elemental disruptions over the course of time, resulting in powerful techniques and forms, or subtly created to have notable impact with unsure origins.
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OO)
    Core Type

Fatu Form & Abilities

    Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known as WildSpeakers. The rarest form, WildSpeakers have the ability to whisper, speak, shout, or scream out the natural force they have 'swallowed'. Once exhaled from their bodies, this force can be manipulated for a variety of effects easily, with most of the exertion being in the exhaling process. With proper training, this is considered the most powerful Forme, and it is rare but evenly distributed among all three animal forms of the Ingatans, and only common among Adepts of this power.   Additional Cores:
  • Words of Swallowed Nature

    Words of Swallowed Nature

    Words of Swallowed Nature
    This core represents the ability of the wielder to 'speak out' the elemental energies that they had swallowed within themselves. Depending on the volume, this can manifest greater or lesser amounts of that phenomenon, with varying levels of potency.
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Command Natra-Voice

    Command Natra-Voice

    Command Natra-Voice
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to command the energies within themselves verbally, allowing them to virtually manifest their power and direct it immediately towards the task they need it for. It then falls under their subconscious to maintain and control as they commanded it to.
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2
Paragonic Origin Pavdnai Ingata   Control Schema   Derivatis - This occurs when the Aspect only allows for the person to wield power derived from a specific phenomenon associated with their power. While this may allow them to wield multiple elements simultaneously, it limits the usage of those abilities.     Associated Nations/Peoples   The Matriarchy of Ingata   Associated Racial Categories Animaphra    Mastery Focus   Balanced - This Aspect requires a balanced training between basic Shaping and Sagecraft elements.   Associated Elements   Variable, depending on the absorbed phenomenon.


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