Aspect of The Moment

The power to move between moments and control their energy

Base Abilities

Wielders of the Aspect of the Moment have the ability to stop time for themselves and move through that singular moment in time as if flying, along with any willing subject. In their ability to fly though moments, they generate an aura around them that allows for their motion. Per the second law of Natural Power if this aura comes into contact with the aura or celestial tapestry of another person, they are shunted back into regular time. Additionally, by collapsing said aura upon themselves, they can lock themselves into that moment in time for a brief period, rendering them immobile but immune to damage for a short duration. Being attacked the moment this takes effect causes the temporal energies involved to arc out as concussive force, knocking away nearby threats.  

Outer Manifestation

Wielders of this power invariably have a phenomenon that looks like a grey flame that emanates from the center of their foreheads. This gray flame is also suffused with another color, at random. aside from the flame, there is a discolored dot in the center of their forehead where the flame exudes, in the same color as their flame.  

Node Locations

As with most Ao'Maphra , wielders of this power have a main node in the forefront of the brain. Additionally, they have a sub-node, strongly connected to the first, which is at the back of the brain, which controls both perception of stopped time and control over motion through said stopped time.    

Celestial Cores

  • Timestep (Tempus OO) - Fly through a moment. Intonation determines how far you can move in this state, but it can be enhanced by environmental factors.
  • Timelock (Tempus OOOO) - Collapse the flames upon themselves locking themselves within a moment to avoid damage.
  • Generate Elemental Essence (Celestial OOOO) - Manipulate the flames of time to generate a concentration of any other non-primordial element (in accordance to the rules of Proximus )

Elent Form & Abilities

Those with this Aspect with the Elent Form are known as Flameweavers. Flameweavers take the source of their power, the flames of time, and weave them into constructs. They then use these constructs to manipulate the Elemental Essences they create.   Additional Core: Flamewoven Construct (Tempus OOO) - Create a temporal construct to control a generated Elemental Essence. Requires Timestepping.

Myst Form & Abilities

Those of this Aspect with the Myst form can perceive, direct and control the energies of three moments of time at once and are therefore known as Echocosmers. This existence in three points in time at once allowing for them to create successive combinations of elemental power in sequence, but makes the elemental essences they generate more volatile. The rarest of all forms.   Additional Cores/Conditions:
  • Triumvirate Perception (Tempus OOO): replaces Timelock by allowing the player to move back or forward one second in time to avoid damage instead)
  • Triumvirate Essentials (Celestial OOOOO): Enhances Elemental Essences by allowing three different essences to be created across the three different timelines, and therefore can manipulate the result across them.
  • Difficulty of Elemental Essence Control +2

Flou Form & Abilities

Those of this Aspectral Form create elemental concentrations over the course of several moments, creating Time Dilations in the process, and coming to be known as Momentalists. They can also use temporal power to manipulate energy quantities in their environment temporarily. However, as a result they take the most time to actually attack enemies.   Additional Cores/Conditions:
  • Time Dilation (Tempus OOO): When generating one or more elemental concentrations over several motions, the player has their temporal speed distorted compared to those around them. As long as they keep their distance, they have a +2 difficulty to be hit for the duration.
  • Direct Energy (Celestial OOOOO): Instead of creating a concentration of elemental energy, the player can instead use temporal energy to control the flow of ambient energy in their environment to disrupt the enemy.
  • Difficulty of Elemental Essence Control -2
  • Timelock and other Essence generation now take more than one turn as well as continual concentration to generate.

Fatu Form & Abilities

Those of this Aspectral Form create Time-sparks from their own flame that cause instantaneous elemental disruptions in a small area, and are known as Timeflickers. While this allows them to react well offensively to threats, they cannot manipulate their own time without using a Time-spark on themselves.   Additional Cores/Conditions:
  • Can create targeted elemental essence without need for Timestepping, allowing for reactive offensive and defensive elemental manipulations.
  • TimeSpark (Tempus OOO Celestial OOO) generates a temporal concentration that can at will generate an elemental essence of the player's choice. Multiple will need to be generated in order to form larger effects.
  • The player cannot reactively Timestep or Timelock themselves, as doing so requires a full action.
Paragonic Origin Paragonic Event - March of the Last People   Control Schema Proximus [Time] - Generation/manipulation of the elements through drawing from the energy of the timestream.   Associated Nations/Peoples Arauk Kingdom   Mastery Focus Sagecraft-Focused


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