Nyraku-Ai Nomads (Nee-racku-Eye)


Dark of skin and shrouded in bright and reflective coloring, the Nyraku Ai have been the quintessential desert nomads across various worlds for millennia. Their skin, darkened to the deepest hue, belies a sllver-black hair of varying levels of curliness, and bright turquoise or jade colored eyes, a color that is often woven into the fabric of their mostly white or green clothing.

Common Personality

  The Nyraku-Ai are generous and welcoming, willing to help strangers willing to cross the desert, and informing them of the best methods of survival and the best protocols to give others. Threaten them and theirs, however, and the Nyraku-Ai will not hesitate to use deadly force to protect themselves with the fierce harshness of the deserts upon which they live. Every day in the desert is a struggle for survival, and the Nyraku-Ai know this the most. That is why they do their best to follow the motto: Preserve life where you can, but most of all your own.   This mindset leads them to either be flexible in how they go about their methods of survival for themselves and others (Chaotic Good/Neutral), or follow strict codes of the desert in order to survive (Lawful Neutral). Those on the latter end tend to create waypoints around Oases across the desert, abodes for desert travelers to rest before moving through the harsh climate once more.

History Summary

  The Nyraku-Ai are an ancient people, who have wandered the desert world of Sudramal for centuries, establishing "The Ring of Kuzhei" a series of cities that ringed the Sacred tree of that world, each centered around an Oasis. While the vast majority wandered among these cities endlessly hunting the roaming sandworms that provided food and other resources, the heads of the nine clans, known collectively as "Kuzh-Himar" or "Oasis Keepers" watched over the Oasis cities, maintaining order within, coordinating with their own clans and preserving the Oases in the desert. They also, through this relationship, maintained on good terms with another major people group, the Saggitarians, whose world-wandering nomadic status enabled the Ring of Kuzhei to be a major series of trading cities throughout the world of Sudramal. Over time, the more adventurous members of the clans used this connection to wander the deserts of other worlds, establishing cities to serve the same purpose, trade, and the preservation of all desert dwellers. As such, the Nyraku-Ai are the most well known, established and connected of all the desert dwelling ethnic groups across the Celestient Universe, and their prestige and wealth despite their ancient nomadic ways are no secret.

Society and Common Environment

  It is rare to meet a member of the Kuzh-Himar, on worlds other than Sudramal and the deserts of the worlds surrounding it (Qo'adimer, Wor'Aldra, Moudram, and Roshadrameg). However, their branch clans stretch across many, many more worlds thanks to their strong connection to the sister tribes of the Saggitarians. This, it is often said that even in the far reaches of the Celestient Universe, From the Highest Peak to the Shimmering Spiral, the Nyraku-Ai are quite often seen accompanying a Saggitarian, or vice versa, so close are the tribes. As such, since the Saggitarians wander worlds and environments so readily, branch clans of the Nyraku-Ai have gained knowledge of survival techniques in varying environments. Additionally, the Nyraku-Ai were rumored to have developed the first method of inter-world communication, well before this was widely available, as their communication network allowed them to become effective information brokers across the realms from their inception even to this day.  

International/Multi-ethnic Relations

The Nyraku-Ai prefer to trade with other nations rather than fight for resources, seeking mutual cooperation, especially in the face of the harshness of the desert, rather than fighting over resources. However, those who have underestimated their might have done so at great peril, as their prowess in military training and tactics has been honed by a harsh lifestyle in the depths of the harsh desert, and their proficiency with spatial manipulation makes them extremely potent at guerilla warfare, which makes up for their lack of sheer numbers. Being on extremely good terms with the powerful Sagittarian tribes is also a plus, and they have good relations with several other nations, especially on Sudramal, to help support their multi-world network of city-states. They are on unfriendly terms with the nation of Zenitheria, as they were almost destroyed by their invasive force back when they were an empire, and they have a neutral stance to the Faesmithean Lunar kingdoms, remaining a neutral trading partner with them while their people retain mixed feelings about the relationship.    

Religious Tendencies

The common religion of the Nyraku-Ai is that of the great spirit Symagtaal, goddess of the rain, plenty, and harvests, whose dominion falls over the oceans and the deserts. In their pantheon, she falls under the reign of the Nameless One, an otherworldly power who governs the world. Many have since associated this with the Divinian deity known as 'The Alabaster', with Symagtaal being their grand spirit-overseer, but others consider Symagtaal to be their primary object of worship.  

Ethnic and Racial Traits

  • Race: Hyumaphra or Ao'maphra - (The player has a choice between these two races when building a character from the Nyraku-Ai.
  • Enhanced information processing - +1 to player's choice between Research, Concentration, or Energy Sensitivity
  • Languages: Nyraku-Aians always have Sudramal-Common, along with the Common language of the world they've lived in for more than one year. They additionally can gain 1 language of one of the nations/ethnicities of that world + 1 for their Intelligence mod score and point in linguistics.
  • Survivalist: All Nyraku-Aians gain a +1 to Survival, with a decrease in difficulty in a desert setting. They also gain an additional point in a physical stat in exchange for a point in social stat
  • Cittran Proficiency: All Nyraku Aians, regardless of whether they take Unique or Common Martial Cores, are considered proficient with Cittra as a ranged throwing weapon.

Aspect and Cores

Nyraku-Ayans almost exclusively possess the Aspect of Dimensional Storage set of Cores.  

Unique Martial Cores

Additionally, along with the basic cores, Nyraku-Aians have developed their own unique variations with their own Martial Paths (and by extension, Cores)
  • Ittexai Hapthesha (Warrior of Card and Spear) (Skirmish, Agility, Ordynence)
  • Kizeithai Thesha (Warrior of Card and Dagger) (Agility, Ordynence, Skirmish)
  • Cittarnabai Theisha (Warrior of a Hundred Cards) (WIP. Ordynence, Control, Agility)

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Mennou (Or Minnow)
  • Ishta
  • Syrafa
  • Uateja (or Wateja)
  • Duaka
  • Dualha
  • Kateha

Masculine names

  • Ninye
  • Hethte
  • Watike
  • Optale
  • Ongale
  • Ziture
  • Latishe
  • Yurote
  • Mungale
  • Orone

Unisex names

  • Itazhi
  • Ynoli
  • Kokheli
  • Suptali
  • Inghori
  • Wetizi
  • Gezuti

Family names

Clan Names
  • Koa
  • Tura
  • Balma
  • Soaka
  • Itenna
  • Tiruna
  • Kenka
  • Synta
  • Samatana
Branch (otherwise known as 'Binding' family names)
  • Tena
  • Jafali
  • Funeka
  • Sapalo
  • Jus
  • Witule
  • Iakomo
  • Afuesa

Major organizations

The Kuzh-Himar
Associated Nation: Nyraku-Kuzhei   Associated Languages: Kuzheian   Associated Aspects: Aspect of Dimensional Storage 


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