Beast of Armageddon

The Beasts of Armageddon are a powerful species of Elder Numens paradoxically corrupted by Vacuus, despite their oft-believed immunity to the will of the Dark Tapestry. Their rise to power on Norn is the center of the conflict described in the Codex of Whispers, and now rise to prominence in the Infinity Petal through the machinations of Crow.

Basic Information


A Beast of Armageddon usually keeps whatever form it had during its corruption, although they often twist into the worst possibility of themselves — edges sharpened, eyes darkened, auras made sinister. However, extremely powerful Beasts (such as Crow) slowly began to abandon any singular shape, as they begin to embody the very "nothing" they hope to create. The heart of a Beast of Armgaddeon is extremely valuable, and can create auras that misalign Good and Lawful creatures even after its host is deceased.  


Beasts of Armageddon have only one goal — to destroy everything and everyone, to burn down Petal stems and let them fall into the Last World. They are directly opposed to entities like the Cagn that attempt to use the Petals for their own means, and any other person or organization that wishes to manipulate or maintain any semblance of existence. While less intelligent Beasts do this through strictly violent means, other Beasts are wickedly intelligent, and can often be found at the center of a Petal's fall.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Myths

Cover image: CG oil) by Ilya Popov


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