
Suit Pin

Pin is an adventurer working as a contractor under the Dream Team, and... kind of, sort of possibly, maybe in her dreams, the girlfriend of Chad.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Given her fractured mental state, not much is known about Pin, outside what's been seen. In a vision (see Lie Down, Little Child) the Dream Team learned that Pin was born on Triaxus, particularly the isolated isle of Ning. After losing her parents she stumbled upon the Gorgon, who took her in and likely broke her mind after years of enchantments.   Pin entered the Sauna on the day Mining Team 6 was blessed by the Dreamer, and served as the Suit of Mining Team 1. She was generally quite cheery, despite her circumstances, and seemed to have no moral compass whatsoever. In addition, she failed to recall any long-term memory, and regularly provided a new reason for why she was imprisoned in the first place -- including murdering her husband, slicing up an old woman, and boiling her neighbor's children alive. When Chad looked at her using his Gamervision, he was unable to get any kind of reading, similar to Skiv.   She took a heavy liking to Chad during her brief time in prison, and even gifted him the Starmetal Puzzle Cube, after taking it off the corpse of an unknown man that was threatening to hurt her jelly boy... After escaping the Jasper, she fled with her friends to the Burning Archipelago, where she works as an adventurer.   Of note, Mist saw a vision of Pin surrounded by three cards of ill fate, connected together by a fetid string. Whatever the vision means is up to interpretation, but is likely that Pin has had an agonizing past...
Current Location
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
154 lbs.
Aligned Organization
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