Season 3, Episode 10: "The Crucible" Report

General Summary

The Dream Team set off from Kahlannal, slowing their pace to the Crucible for some much-needed gear repair and augmentation, followed by a long sleep. In their dreams, they saw General Khaim at the Burning Archipelago, already razing portions of Dawnshore, and his plans for the party when they arrived in his home. Worse yet, the Dreamer glimpsed the true puppet master in the wings -- Szuriel, Horseman of War, standing behind the Malikah and twisting her mind with sinister magic.

The mere sight of such a horror lashed through the connection and damaged the psyche of the group, making Mist go blind with madness, and causing Lockette to gain a newfound fear for fire...

Unfortunately, they had little choice but to press on, diving through a skeleton crew of Efreeti ships surrounding the station, as Mana arrived in time to provide support. Once in the Crucible, they found a full outfit of soldiers waiting for them, pre-warned by Chad's message and the General's orders.

Despite their best efforts, the Servants of Sakalayo weren't used to such resistance, and their ramshackle barriers began to fall one-by-one. Once the dust cleared, the group received an offer from the Void Coven of the Crucible, who seeked to trade knowledge of the Crucible and their assistance in return for their robes, which had been scattered across the base. However, the team quickly became fractured on a solution, and ultimately voted not to work with creatures they deemed evil.

Convinced that the Dream Team was a lost cause, Old Nanite began using her abilities to hamper the party, closing blast doors in their path and hacking terminals to wipe them of valuable information. Meanwhile, the group split up to scour the base, taking on hostiles at every turn, but slowly recovering the robes from the bodies of officers -- and eventually, a key card to the central elevator, which would allow them to access the planar tethers controlling Far Portal.

The Coven reached out to Isra near the end of the conflict, hoping that she would be "reasonable", but the Android refused. In retaliation, Old Nanite called out to Khaim directly, warning him that his plans were falling through, and urged him to return to the Crucible immediately.

Using the power of Far Portal, he was able to return to the center of Mataras almost instantly, appearing adjacent to the massive gate, and then dove into the docks. Meanwhile, the Coven cast aside all hope of overthrowing their master, and activated the product of decades of work -- the Fivefold Cauldron hummed to life, pulling any cosmic chaos that lingered about the area, and imbued Khaim with the power of a demi-god.

The party arrived just in time to see him enter, side-by-side with two hulking golems armed to the teeth, before the Efreeti opened fire, and the bells began to toll...

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • (Party) All Cards of Ill Fate removed and given to the Fivefold Cauldron.
  • Various loot from Efreeti soldiers, including smaller upgrades and weapons.

The Centurion's Riddle
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0

Report Date
04 May 2021


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