Season 3, Episode 9: "Rastelviri" Report

General Summary

With Zhyffor risen to the ranks of the Protectors of Kahlannal and a short time to rest, the Anassanoi army was ready to enact its lightning-fast resistance. While the Efreeti were still reeling on their heels, the Dream Team (designated "Strike Team Alpha") and their allies ("Strike Team Beta") were asked to slice into invasion's heart, and thus the group set out for the Kahlannal Spire.

But as they arrived at the base of the tower, Rastelviri made his presence known, and Strike Team Beta was forced on the defensive by a surprise attack. While they distracted the dragon, the Dream Team dove straight into the base of the tower, apprehending enslaved Anassanoi and Commisar Yushiev, one of the lead officers involved in the invasion. Inspired by the news, the Anassanoi's morale soared to new heights, and the battle began to turn in their favor.

Before ascending to the next floor, Mist found Captain Hamat buried in a pile of corpses, with a fading pulse and a nasty head wound. Thankful he had not been turned into a zombie by Yushiev, the crew put the Efreeti on life support, and left Lockette's drone behind to guard him.

Although the first two floors had been smooth sailing, the tower had sustained heavy damage during the conflict, and thus the elevators to the next section had been destroyed. Forced to climb, the Dream Team scaled through a hole in the side of the Spire, and made an exposed journey up. Faced with unstable scaffolding, dragon attacks, and enemy snipers, the party put their non-combat skills to use, warping buildings to suit them, dodging dragon breath, and hacking starship terminals to aid in their climb. The latter act punched an opportune hole in the side of the structure, clearing a small contingent of enemy forces, and clearing the way to the last set of elevators.

At the observation deck, the Dream Team was given a warm welcome -- also known as a barrage of grenades, Fire Giant twins, and an angry band of Azer and elementals. They barely had time to manuever out of the elevators before Rastelviri began to fly overhead, raining down fire that washed over his allies like air, and then the soldiers waded in to clear up the mess. Even after a short rest, the party was exhausted from a day of battle, the group was forced up onto its toes.

Matters became dire when Rastelviri arrived to finish the encounter -- only to be met with a twin severing from Sensei and Golonos (who removed his wings mid-flight), a gun full of Dragonglass from Lockette, and the impressive force of a full Raid bar. Against expectations, the dragon seemed to accept defeat gracefully, claiming that he would one day return, and invoked the names of his mighty ancestors -- the red dragon Rastel and the undying flame known as the Queen of the Mountain.

The remnants of the conflict surrendered, and Chad was able to get the dampener to resonate again, restoring power to the Anassanoi, and winning the Battle of Kahlannal. But with General Khaim on the move, the crew had little time to celebrate, and left the Spire to meet with their allies.

They decided to leave Hamat with the Anassanoi, offloading Vessu Karimo to free up a space on the Sun Diver, and invited Zhyffor to come along. After some convincing from Chad, Nyralaen agreed to let her fellow Protector take the Thunder Crook and the Never Rod -- giving the party a significant advantage at the Crucible.

With Nib behind the wheel, the Dream Team collapsed into their beds, giving themselves only eight short hours to rest before the next battle, which would decide the fate of all of Mataras...

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes
  • Various loot from Efreeti soldiers, including smaller upgrades and weapons.

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Report Date
28 Apr 2021
Secondary Location


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