Apricity of the Blizzard

Heliora: Leader of the Apricity of the Blizzard, a sorceress whose magic is intertwined with the icy winds of the blizzard. She can summon raging storms at will, freezing her enemies in their tracks and obscuring their vision with swirling snow. Her ultimate goal is to expand the influence of the Brumal Court across the Fey World by spreading her wintry domain far and wide.   Orion: A formidable warrior whose strength is augmented by the frigid power of the blizzard. He wields a massive ice axe imbued with ancient magic, capable of cleaving through even the thickest armor with ease. His ambition is to conquer new territories for the Brumal Court, using his martial prowess to crush any who oppose their rule.   Lyra: A skilled manipulator of ice and snow, able to sculpt intricate structures and deadly constructs from the frozen elements. She dreams of creating a majestic palace of ice for Queen Jerika-fey, a monument to the power and beauty of the Brumal Court. However, her ambitions may lead her down a darker path as she becomes increasingly obsessed with perfection.   Auriel: A master of deception and subterfuge, using her powers to sow chaos and confusion among the enemies of the Brumal Court. She can create illusions of blizzards that disorient and dishearten her foes, leaving them vulnerable to attack. Her ultimate goal is to unravel the alliances of the court's enemies, leaving them isolated and ripe for conquest.   Soren: A healer whose magic is infused with the chilling embrace of the blizzard. He can freeze wounds shut and soothe pain with the icy touch of his hands, earning him the gratitude and loyalty of his allies. His goal is to ensure the survival and prosperity of the Brumal Court, even if it means making difficult sacrifices along the way.   Thorne: Leader of the Frost Guard, a group of formidable warriors who serve as the guardians of the Brumal Court. Thorne himself is a towering figure whose body is encased in impenetrable ice armor, making him nearly invincible in battle. He is fiercely loyal to Queen Jerika-fey and will stop at nothing to protect her and the court from harm.
Adventuring Party
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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