Hunters of the Winter Wild

Bjorn: Leader of the Hunters of the Winter Wild, Bjorn is a seasoned warrior with a keen eye and steady hand. He is renowned for his tracking skills and intimate knowledge of the frozen wilderness, making him an invaluable asset to the Brumal Court. His leadership ensures that the hunters remain disciplined and focused on their tasks, even in the face of danger.   Eira: Eira is a skilled archer whose precision with a bow is unmatched within the Brumal Court. She can hit her target with deadly accuracy even in the midst of a blizzard, making her an indispensable member of the hunting party. Her keen senses and quick reflexes allow her to anticipate the movements of her prey, ensuring a successful hunt every time.   Kelda: Kelda is a ranger with a deep connection to the natural world, particularly the beasts of the winter wilderness. She possesses the power of beastshape, allowing her to commune with animals and take on their forms. As the Beastwalker of the group, Kelda can transform into a powerful winter wolf or a stealthy snow leopard, using her animal instincts to track prey and navigate the wilderness. Additionally, she is a master of survival in the harsh winter wilderness, with a deep understanding of the flora and fauna that inhabit the frozen landscape.   Ragnar: Ragnar is the brute force of the group, a towering figure whose strength is matched only by his loyalty to his comrades. He is skilled in close-quarters combat, wielding a massive warhammer with devastating effect against any who would threaten the hunters or the Brumal Court. His presence instills fear in the hearts of their enemies, making him a formidable protector of the court's borders.
Adventuring Party
Parent Organization


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